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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 300

The afternoon sky was a canvas of vibrant hues, with the sunset painting the glass facades of skyscrapers in brilliant strokes.

Caleb trailed behind Curtis as they exited the conference room and walked past the Human Resources office, where a few female employees were huddled around something, their whispers and giggles filling the air.

Curtis, ever so detached, glanced over, his steps suddenly veering towards the commotion.

The women, engrossed in their little circle, didn't notice the approaching figures until Curtis' shadow loomed over them.

He looked down to follow the line of their attention and spotted a tiny kitten, barely the size of a hot dog, hiding under the desk and scarfing down a piece of meat with desperate hunger.

"Since when did we start hiring cats?" Curtis' calm and out-of-nowhere comment surprised the crew, making them all jump up as the kitty bolted for a corner.

"Mr. Richardson!" They exclaimed in unison, a mix of surprise and slight fear in their voices.

"Is this your doing?" Curtis' expression was unreadable, sending shivers down their spines.

Quick to defend themselves, one of the women explained, "It's not ours, sir. It must've followed someone into the elevator from the street and found its way here."

"Riding elevators?" Curtis raised an eyebrow. "Smarter than some of the employees."

Caleb, aware of Curtis' allergy, intervened, "Let's get it out of here. Mr. Richardson is allergic to cats. We can't have this happening at the office."

One of the women, her voice trembling but determined, spoke up, "Mr. Richardson, may I please take it home after work? I've been feeding it for days, planning to adopt it. It always eluded me, but now that it's here. I'll make sure it doesn't cause any trouble and I'll clean up."

She was visibly frightened, barely able to meet his gaze, yet for the sake of the kitten, she dared to make a request.


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