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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 319

After Susan had her head injury treated and bandaged in the Emergency Room after undergoing a CT scan, she was moved to a hospital room.

The Wright family had been harboring resentment for a long time. This incident provided the perfect outlet for their pent-up frustration.

Even through the hospital room door, Harrington's furious accusations could be heard, “I’ve been patient with Leanne for your sakes, but she shows no respect for us. Now she's gone too far with Susan!”

“Susan’s head is all bruised, marring her beauty. Shielding Leanne won’t help this time!”

Claudine wouldn’t stop talking, “It’s not that we want to make her life difficult, but Leanne is so malicious at a young age with ill intentions. Curtis, you need to have sharp eyes and see her for what she is.”

Then Susan's voice chimed in, “Mom, don't go saying stuff like that about Leanne. She didn't do it on purpose.”

“Look at you, still defending her at a time like this. You’re too kind-hearted and she takes advantage of that…”

Leanne pushed the door open and entered.

Susan, with a bandage around her head, lay pale and half-reclining on the hospital bed.

Claudine sat by the bed, while Harrington stood with his arms behind his back, his face a mask of anger.

Two chairs sat opposite the bed.

Curtis leaned back in one chair, his handsome face expressionless. His long legs were crossed, his trousers crisp and finely made, revealing a glimpse of black dress socks beneath.

Beside him was Jennifer, who had rushed to the hospital. Jennifer and Curtis sat side by side, one with a noble calm, the other with a graceful composure, both silent yet emanating a formidable presence.

Feeling someone at the door, Curtis was the first to turn his head. His gaze softened slightly as he saw Leanne.

He stood and pulled Leanne over to sit in his chair.

Leanne greeted, “Mrs. Richardson.”

Jennifer nodded, asking, “How’s the wound on your leg?”

“It’s much better now,” Leanne replied.


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