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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 333

The evening breeze was fragrant, and the white dining tables glowed under the soft orange candlelight at the open-air bar, where laughter and clinking glasses filled the air.

The man weaving through the crowd, Curtis, was strikingly handsome in his crisp white shirt and black trousers, his distinguished features turning heads as he passed.

Ignoring the gazes directed at him, Curtis followed the beeping of his smartwatch, searching intently among the diners. Faces young and smiling flickered under the lights, but none were the one he sought.

Was she playing games with him? Showing up only to hide and make it difficult for him to find her?

In such a compact venue, where could she possibly hide?

Suddenly, the beeping on his watch ceased, indicating that Leanne was more than five meters away from him.

Curtis felt like a lost traveler standing in the bustling center of the restaurant, scanning the room for her.

He moved past the dining area, around a decorative screen, and by a serene aquarium where the fish fluttered through beams of light against a backdrop of dark rocks and sand.

A waiter, sporting a bow tie, approached and asked, "Can I help you with something, sir?"

Just then, the watch began to beep again, this time with a more cheerful melody. At the same moment, Curtis spotted her. Leanne was standing by the restroom's outer wall, dressed in an off-the-shoulder red sweater that highlighted her delicate, pale shoulders and elegantly curved neckline.

The vivid poppy red of her sweater brought a flush of memories to Curtis, reminiscent of the red dress she wore on their wedding day, the first time he saw the allure of her mature femininity.

"I’m okay, I've found what I was looking for."

Curtis walked over to her; she had light makeup on, her features delicate and soft, leaning against the wall like a skilled huntress waiting for her prey.

And he was the fish caught on her line.


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