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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 346

Curtis strolled leisurely through the bustling streets, his shirt unbuttoned down to the third button, adding a touch of casual flair to his otherwise laid-back vibe. He was in no hurry, happily tagging along as Leanne browsed through stalls, picking up quirky snacks like pretzels and cotton candy.

As they reached a crosswalk, the nearby elementary school had just let out, and the younger kids were lined up by class, waiting for the light to change. Their chatter filled the air, as noisy as a flock of sparrows.

Curtis, spotting an opportunity for a bit of fun, pulled Leanne—who was holding an ice cream—towards the end of the line formed by the kids. “Let’s queue up,” he said with a smirk.

An adult joining a line of elementary school students? Really?

Leanne knew he was just teasing her but played along with a roll of her eyes. “This is ridiculous.”

“It’s called following the rules,” Curtis replied with mock seriousness. “Don’t believe me? Ask any of these kids if you’re supposed to queue up to cross the street.”

A few curious kids turned around, their expressions earnest as they lectured her, “You can’t cut in line, miss!”

Leanne tried to defend herself. “I’m not trying to cut.”

“Then why aren’t you queuing?” they challenged.

Cornered by their reasoning, all Leanne could manage was a muttered, "I'm waiting in line..."

When the light turned green, the kids buzzed across the crosswalk, and just as Leanne was about to follow, Curtis pulled her back. “We don’t need to cross the street,” he chuckled.

Confused, Leanne frowned. “Then why did you make me line up?”

And to think, she’d just been schooled by a gaggle of grade-schoolers.

Curtis raised an eyebrow lazily. “Sorry, I thought you were part of their class.”

His lips curved into a grin that was anything but apologetic.

He was teasing her again, and Leanne glared at him. “You’re messing with me again.”

Curtis gently lifted her chin and planted a kiss on her lips.

She had to tilt her head back to look at him, noticing the playful glint in his eyes.


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