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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 403

Selina was up in arms, feeling betrayed. How could they have a big blowout without her? She cleared her feelings, voicing her protest and condemnation with a passion that could set the world on fire.

Fresh from a shower and sprawled on her bed, Leanne tuned into the group video call, listening to Selina's tirade.

"I was just down the road with my mom last night, literally a mile from you guys. A single call and I would've been there in five minutes!" she complained, her frustration palpable. "Good lord, I missed out on a jackpot!"

"Fine, let me give you a play-by-play. I'm no Meryl Streep, but I reckon I can recoup at least half of that for you."

Joy cleared her throat, launching into her one-woman show, leaving Leanne entertained.

Curtis emerged from the bathroom to find Leanne lying on her stomach, her waterfall of hair cascading over her shoulders, the light green of her nightgown making her skin glow.

Her legs dangled carelessly off the bed.

Approaching the bedside, Curtis caught her restless ankle, causing Leanne to turn her head, her movement to break free unsuccessful. Instead, he effortlessly pulled her closer.

She let out a surprised gasp, a soft sound drowned out as Curtis took the phone from her hand, ended the video call, and pulled her into his embrace.

"Babe, it's your turn to shine," Ever the dramatist, Joy had been embellishing the story, waiting for Leanne's cue, only to realize she was missing from the call. "Hey, where did you go?"

Having heard a different commotion, Selina lost interest in Joy’s performance. "They've moved on to the R-rated part of the evening."

"And they left the call?" Joy pouted. "come on, I want to keep watching."


When Leanne broached the subject of taking annual leave with Donna and Amy, Donna shook her head, a seasoned expert in navigating such waters. "Trying to get time off from Ruben is like asking for his life on a platter."


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