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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 425

The chatter was sometimes a whisper in Leanne's ears, and at other times, it seemed miles away.

Navigating through the bustling hall of the celebration, Leanne felt her fingertips tingle with nerves as she approached the duo.

Phillip and Chuck were deep in business talk, their conversation lighter and less formal owing to the nature of the event. Chuck had a smile, occasionally taking sips from his wine.

A burst of vibrant color caught Phillip's eye as Leanne approached.

"Hey, Phillip," she greeted.

Phillip nodded, his demeanor calm and collected, showing no hint of his recent heartbreak.

Chuck turned to her, and his smile was unwavering.

Standing at an average height, not too tall but not short, Chuck, nearing fifty, had climbed his way up to be the Deputy Director of VectorVista Bank. Wealth and status were his companions.

Unlike Maddox's stern and imposing presence, Chuck’s slightly plump figure and warm smile gave off a vibe of honesty and kindness.

Beauty always pleases the eye, and he looked at Leanne with a soft, amused gaze as Phillip introduced him, "This is the Executive Director of our group, Mr. Chuck."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Chuck," Leanne said.

"And this is Anne, Mrs. Curtis," Phillip continued.

The curve of Chuck's smile remained, though the spark of admiration in his eyes seemed to dim slightly.

The change was minute, almost unnoticeable, but watching him closely, Leanne caught it.


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