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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 430

Curtis didn't text back.

"I'm not hungry. Go ahead without me." Leanne pocketed her phone and returned to the office.

Several colleagues had returned from lunch when Leanne walked in, and she could sense something was off.

"Sandra is an idiot. She botched another surgery. She took it upon herself to perform a vitrectomy, and now, due to a mistake, the patient has suffered a hemorrhage in the vitreous body and gone blind. The family is causing a scene."

Donna was visibly annoyed. "The patient's husband has a temper like a ticking bomb, ready to explode at any moment. He's even threatening to take it to the press. If it blows up, our department will be the one to take the fall!"

Leanne inquired further. "Is it the patient with intraocular lymphoma?"


Leanne was bewildered. She had given Sandra clear guidance, yet something still went wrong.

Given Sandra’s experience level, which was notably below average, a vitrectomy, a complex procedure, required supervision from a senior surgeon.

Ruben had explicitly stated he would oversee her operation on Friday. How did she end up operating alone?

Just then, someone called her out. "Dr. Castillo, Ruben wants to see you."

As Leanne approached the office, she could hear Ruben chastising Sandra inside. His voice was stern. "With your half-baked skills, what made you think you could perform this surgery alone?"

Sandra retorted, still not conceding, "If Leanne can do it, why can't I?"

"The difference is that she can complete the surgery without causing a disaster. Now look at the mess you’ve created!" Ruben scolded, exasperated, "That patient’s husband is already difficult to deal with. Now he's got an excuse to make trouble. Even the hospital director can't cover for you this time!"

Attempting to be coy, Sandra pleaded, "Ruben, please help me."


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