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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 490

Phillip stood at his desk, his back to the room's door, the decor mirrored his persona - a blend of emotionless monochrome, shades of black, white, and gray painting his world.

Tina, without a second thought, kicked off her shoes and sprawled out on the bed in a casual, kneeling position.

At 1:20 AM, she had boldly made her way into a man's bed without any reservation.

Phillip could never forget their first encounter two years back, her clear-cut rules of engagement - essentially, post-marriage, live as you please.

Such pre-engagement demands were rare, from women and men alike. If it stemmed from her personal desires, then it all made sense.

She was indeed a free spirit, adventurous and capable of bold moves, unafraid to make advances, yet equally quick to move on to another man if rejected, not returning home until the early hours.

Phillip had no intentions of rushing into intimacy, despite their engagement.

But if she had any desires, he'd prefer to be the one who satisfies them.

Tina, unaware of his gaze, opened a folder on her laptop. "I just finished editing these photos; they're unpublished, and you're the first to see them," she said.

Phillip sat beside her, listening intently as she animatedly shared the stories behind each photo - the dark rivers and poisonous creatures of the Amazon, the challenges and triumphs of climbing Everest, swimming with dolphins in the Red Sea, the turmoil in Syria...

Her tales were filled with human emotions against a backdrop of freedom.

She was meant to chase dreams, a true explorer, not a caged canary in a golden cage.

As she spoke of vast landscapes and colorful worlds, Tina became more animated.

Phillip was an excellent listener, his occasional pointed questions steering Tina into revealing more and more.

When she finally paused and turned to him, suspicion in her eyes, she asked, "What, trying to get secrets out of me?"


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