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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 494

Before Thanksgiving, Tina traveled to Capital City.

The Watson family was sticklers for tradition, insisting that unless utterly unavoidable, everyone had to dutifully come home to pay their respects to the family elders.

With a sprawling family tree, Hamilton, being the second eldest, Tina had an array of relatives like the eldest aunt, two uncles, and a younger aunt, who, after losing her daughter early, never had more children. Including Tina, this generation of siblings and cousins totaled seven.

The household buzzed with energy every year around this time.

Labeled the "rebel" of the bunch, Tina had spent the past few years gallivanting around, even missing these significant family gatherings, much to her grandparents' displeasure. This homecoming was bound to come with a lecture.

"You've been back in the country for a while. And you didn't think of visiting, not even once. Too much time away has made you wild."

Clever as ever, Tina used Phillip as her shield. "Oh, come on. Please don't be hard on me. I've been busy fostering a relationship with Phillip, hardly had a moment to spare."

Upon hearing that, Eva immediately dropped the scolding. "You and Phillip are getting along well?"

"Absolutely," Tina feigned a lovestruck air. "He even wanted to come with me, but he's been swamped at work and hasn't visited his folks in ages. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson must miss him terribly. Holidays are for family, after all."

Eva was pleased with Tina's harmony with Phillip and her sensibility, nodding in approval. "You, my girl, are finally acting like an adult, thinking about marriage."

After leaving the elders, her half-sister Bertha caught up to her, poking for information.

"Are you seriously developing feelings for Phillip?"

Her nosiness was palpable, but Tina's response was icy. "None of your business."


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