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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 508

Though not as affluent or deeply rooted in Capital City as the Richardson family, the Lewis family held their own in terms of heritage. It was just that Alfred never quite matched up to his more successful siblings, especially not when compared to Phillip, who single-handedly ran VectorVista Bank with an iron fist.

"He's not as handsome as you," Tina remarked, "but marriage isn't just about looks."

"What else is there for you then?" Phillip probed, wanting to know her criteria.

Tina couldn't admit she wouldn't mind if her husband had a wandering eye after marriage.

"Sense of humor, chatty, loves to laugh," she listed everything that was the polar opposite of Phillip.

At that moment, Phillip realized the boiling emotion inside was narrow-minded jealousy. His life had been a series of dry decisions and responsibilities, while she sought someone entirely different, rejecting him despite all he had offered.

In Phillip's biased opinion, the man she chose to marry after leaving him was hardly a match for her. But who was he to judge her choice?

Perhaps it was the man's humor that Phillip lacked. Tina was vibrant, always seeking someone who could match her wit and spirit. She needed more than a physical connection. She craved a soulmate, something Phillip felt he could never provide.

Phillip had known from a young age the path he was to follow and the responsibilities he had to shoulder. In his position, love was a luxury he believed he could do without.

Yet, he couldn't deny the pull of Tina's lively spirit, initially driven by a sense of duty toward his future bride. When exactly his feelings had shifted, he couldn't pinpoint.

But gradually, his work-filled life began to include looking forward to returning home to see Tina’s animated, radiant face. It was a rare desire for someone who seldom wanted anything.

Yet, the person he wanted didn't want him back.

He picked up his coffee mug, its warmth contrasting the cold liquid inside. The coffee was fine, but the one who made it couldn't compare to Tina's skill. At the Watson family gathering, she had playfully engaged in covert exchanges with him under Hamilton's nose. And, the happy old time had passed.

Soon, she would make coffee for another man, sit on his lap, kiss him, and do everything she once did with Phillip.


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