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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 530

Tina was furiously texting her best friend about her date's over-the-top attire, all while casually throwing out a warning without even glancing up from her screen, "You know, addressing me like that might just make me fall for you. I get pretty possessive, and then you'd have to quit flirting around online. Think about it."

Alfred's face twisted with indecision. It was clear from his troubled look that he was weighing his options, contemplating whether giving up his flings for her was worth it.

Eventually, he made up his mind, "Maybe we should just steer clear of catching feelings, huh?"

"So, I guess I rank below your hottie flings," Tina said, putting down her phone and nonchalantly picking up the menu to order.

Alfred had intended to ask her to keep her distance from Phillip, but now, it seemed out of place.

Dining at a French restaurant was all about etiquette and a lengthy dining process. Their main course hadn't even arrived when someone entered in the crisp sound of the wind chime at the entrance.

Sipping her cream of mushroom soup, Tina's gaze inadvertently met Phillip's.

What are the odds?

Phillip exuded a strict elegance in his suit, and the fleeting glance he cast over her was too light to betray any emotion.

He took a seat diagonally across from Tina, casually unbuttoning his jacket.

The waiter poured him water and handed him the menu.

This didn't seem like a coincidence. Who dines alone at a fancy French restaurant?

Something felt off to Tina, prompting her to check her phone, which had been quiet the entire time. Her rant to her bestie had gone unanswered, unusually silent for her.

Her heart sank as she saw a series of messages neatly lined up in Phillip's chat.

“He's like a peacock, showing off with that flashy outfit”

“He even asked the violinist to play Salut d'Amour. Thought he was gonna propose, scared me half to death”

Tina felt as if lightning had struck her.

How could she have messaged the wrong person?


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