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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 532

Alfred stood outside the wall, his lowered voice clearly heard by the two inside.

If he couldn't find someone in the ladies' room, he was ready to turn the restaurant upside down.

Never in her wildest dreams did Tina think she'd be caught in a scandal in the restroom of a French restaurant.

And with someone as strait-laced as Phillip, of all people.

She should have invited her bestie; she loved watching this kind of drama unfold.

Phillip took her hand down and dialed a number on his phone.

Tina only heard him give a brief order before, in less than five minutes, someone came looking for Alfred: “Mr. Lewis, is that your car outside? It's blocking the ambulance route. Could you please move it…”

Alfred, as much of a playboy as he was, wasn't a bad guy. Hearing this, he didn't delay and immediately went with him.

With him gone, the corridor quieted down, and Phillip opened the door.

“I'll be waiting for you in the parking lot. We need to talk.”

When Alfred came back, cursing under his breath about there being no ambulance and having been fooled, he saw Tina sitting at her table. He then glanced over at Phillip's spot, where the untouched appetizer had been cleared away by the waiter, and the man himself had already left.

Upon leaving the restaurant, Tina declined Alfred's insistent offer to drive her home.

“You don't have another date tonight, do you?” he asked with a sneaky tone.

Tina gave him a sidelong glance. “Booked ten male models. Wanna join? I quite enjoy a bit of man-on-man action.”

Alfred stepped back, and Tina didn't say much for the rest of the way, clearly in a bad mood. He didn't dare provoke her further.

Muttering a “Just be safe, alright?” he drove off in his flashy sports car, leaving Tina standing alone outside the restaurant, catching a bit of the night air.

She had slipped up, inevitably leading Phillip to probe further, and she dreaded the outcome of such an inquiry. This uncertainty brought a wave of anxiety.


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