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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 544

In the afternoon, when Austin stepped out of his office, Joy's desk was already vacant.

Usually, to make her early departures less noticeable, she'd leave an old tote bag on her desk, creating the illusion that she hadn't left at all.

But she must've thought everyone else was on her wavelength because that tote hadn't moved an inch in three months.

Austin glanced at his watch; it was just hitting 5 PM. Joy sure had a knack for making a swift exit.

Mia happened to walk by and let out a surprised, "Oh, Mr. Austin, looking for Joy? She clocked out early. Some hunky guy picked her up, tall and trim, a real catch!”

The team leader was too late to cover for Joy, and Mia added, “If you need anything, Mr. Austin, I'm always here to help!”

Austin responded, “I was going to offer her a ride home. Fancy bringing her back?”

Mia paused, “Ah? You were going to...”

Before she could finish, Austin had already turned away. He had planned on playing chauffeur again, even though Joy's knee injury was so minor it was hardly worth mentioning. She only limped when entering his office, fishing for sympathy.

With Joy gone, and no evening plans, Austin agreed to join Frank for some drinks.

Sitting in the colorful glow of the bar, he found little amusement.

For a man past thirty, desires for wealth, power, and romance seemed to plummet straight down. Life gradually settled into a monotonous rhythm, as still and dull as stagnant water.

When Austin shared his thoughts, Frank's gaze immediately darted down to his lap.

"No way, you're not saying you've gone limp already? Man, I'm still full of life."

Amidst the booming bar music, Austin tossed a lime peel at Frank's face, "Trying to have a serious conversation here, and you're bringing up nonsense."

Just then, in a lull between the loud drumbeats, he heard a mischievous female voice: "Show me your abs?"

Turning around, by some coincidence, Joy was there in a booth not too far away.


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