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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 

Curtis bristled at the insinuation, “Haven’t I always had your 

Instead, he was the one who had cut her deepest. 


Leanne’s thoughts inevitably drifted to the image of Suzan seeking refuge behind him. 

“Just keep protecting your precious Suzan,” she spat. 

Curtis’ expression darkened, his eyebrows furrowing in frustration. “If you want a divorce, 

there’s no need to involve her.” 

It was as if Leanne were the one being unreasonable. 

Was it she who couldn’t wait to end their marriage, muddling through with an ex while still bound by vows? 

Enough. Leanne had even lost the desire to argue. 

“If that thought comforts your conscience, then sure, believe it,” she conceded with resignation. 

Her apathetic stance only irritated Curtis more, his frustration akin to punching a pillow, no satisfying end to his anger. 

+ you sure Loosening his tie with a scoff, Curtis remarked, “You haven’t gained weight, but you. have gotten good at raising my blood pressure 

Leanne thought to herself that it was only because of her love for him that she had. endured so much, making him believe she was meek and easily bullied. 

The car fell silent. As the Bentley crossed over the Agrarian Bridge, Curtis asked out of the blue, “Do you remember Echo Summit?” 

The memory had been unexpectedly stirred by a comment made by Derek earlier that day. He had genuinely intended to take Leanne to see the meteor shower that night. 

The mountain air was cool, and he had swathed her in his coat. Sitting in his lap, she was surprisingly gentle and meek, comforted by his warmth and familiar scent.\Frankly, any man in his virile youth would have struggled to contain himself in such a moment. 

The memory caused a ripple of emotion in Curtis, bringing with it an impulsive notion Perhaps they shouldn’t divorce. Maybe they could still make it work. 

Leanne, her gaze fixed on the car window, replied nonchalantly, “I don’t remember.” 

And so, 


like the sea after the wind dies down, Curtis’ ripples of emotion settled back into 

After a brief pause, he let out a derisive chuckle. 

As he withdrew his gaze from Leanne, his face settled into an expression of endless 


“What am I even expecting from you?” 

The atmosphere in the car plummeted, the tension rendering the air cold despite the heat. 

The spacious backseat of the Bentley seemed to divide them with an invisible barrier, turning them into irreconcilable foes, each entrenched in their own corner. 

For the remainder of the ride, neither spoke another word. 

Jake, driving up front, was on pins and needles. Joy’s chatter had been annoying, but now, the silence was unbearable. 

Upon arriving at Crystal Cove Villas, Leanne stepped out of the car and headed straight for the house. 

Behind her, the car door slammed shut. Curtis didn’t follow her. Instead, he stood by the. car, sparking his lighter. The flame caught the end of the cigarette hanging from his lips. 

He took a deep drag, the nicotine stabbing into his lungs, before calling out to her, 


She paused mid-step on the porch. 

Standing in the night, Curtis cut a dashing figure, his dark coat accentuating his austere features, giving him an air of unapproachable allure. 

“Do you have any demands?” he asked. 

Leanne held a trace of bewilderment. 

The ember of Curtis’ cigarette glowed intermittently between his fingers, his hazel eyes partially obscured by the swirling smoke, elusive. 


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