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HOWL TILL DAWN novel Chapter 1



Kozell has been out of the country to Nova Scotia for a year and six months now and he was finally back to Nashville, he left Nashville to Nova Scotia because he needed to be in a secred place where no one knows him, but he couldn't control the urge to hurt people, it was just in him and he hated himself for that.

He came down from the airplane as his bodyguards rushed to welcome to him.

"Welcome sir get going before the Paparazzo's notice you" the chief security said but it was too late anyways, the paparazzo's got to them faster than expected.

"Welcome back sir, we heard that you have been off town for a year and six months, how was your stay at Nova Scotia?" The paparazzo's asked following him to the car till he drove off, the paparazzo's had to run with the car in other to get the news they want.

Kozell isn't just ready for any sort of questions at all, he just couldn't stand answering any question at the moment, all he wanted was to get home quickly before anything happens, something that's could make his fans isolate from him and that is the worst thing that can ever happen to anybody of his kind or anybody at all.

everybody wants a free life, a life without worries, and that is exactly the life kozell wish for but it seems that kinda life is far from him.

"The weather forecast here really changed to me, so cool and calm!" He muttered to himself as he walked to his penthouse.

He noticed the changes in his house, the penthouse really changed alot, so sparkling, and organized, he loved the feeling he got as he entered the penthouse that he wished the feeling could last forever.

He climbed up to his room, his well structured and really large room as he took his clothes off, his baggages where already arranged neatly.

He wore his bathrobe and got to the bathroom to freshen up, he wasn't really fast on his bath at all, all he could think is how to control himself and stop himself from hurting people… his life was so complicated, why couldn't he just be liked Zelda his twinnie.

Kozell came out of the bathroom with his bathrobe tied across his waist covering his nude and his hair dripping wet, he stood in the front of his dressing mirror as he plucked the blow dryer into the socket as he sat down on the dressing chair blow drying his hair, he blew dried his hair back to the silky smooth black side cut hair it was as he combed it back to smoothness.

He looked at his image at the mirror, it was a sad handsome rich guy with long side cut hair that covers his right eyes that he could see in their.

"Being all cute, handsome and rich when you got no rest of mind is useless" he said as he signed, he took his phone and left for lunch.

Lunch alone was never awesome, not until his twin sister Zelda arrived, anyways his breakfast, lunch and dinner is never awesome because he would get to sit alone on the large dinner room without maybe staring at a lunch partner hence he would have to respect and maintain the "do not talk" table rules, so nothing awesome is ever in his anything.

"Kozell you're back!, Why didn't you inform us huh?" Zelda said as she slightly hugged him through the back as he gave a cold smile.

Yeah that was all he could offer…

"Mom and dad are so upset with you and probably you might be spanked on your butt when you finally get to see them" Zelda said as kozell stared at her expressionlessly.

"I decided to make it a surprise visit you know?" He said as Zelda rolled her eyes heaven ward.

"A surprise visit indeed, when everyone in Nashville knows about the return of the famous and most popular animation maker, like seriously it is already all over the news right now, so their is no such thing as surprise visit for you" Zelda said as kozell scoffed.

"Guess I got no life of my own anymore then…" kozell said sounding almost sad which got his sister worried.




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