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HOWL TILL DAWN novel Chapter 3

A were wolve college!?, That shit really got the girls scared to the marrow that they thought it would have been better to stay back home, after all the years of school hunt they finally got one but the wrong school!… A fucking were wolve college!?, A school that could ruin there life's in a sec.

It was indeed a thing of regret!…-

"Yes young ladies, this school is just for wolves, I too… I am trapped" the admin said.

"Wait!… Is that where the wolfries name came from!?" Tricia asked as the bald headed admin nodded.

It was a breathe seizing situation that the girls wished it could be back forwarded.

"Oh my jingles!!, I fucking thought it was a gaddamn normal school name!… Oh my gosh!, I regret ever searching for a school!, I would have been fine staying back at home instead of this!" Tricia muttered in regret as Isla stood up and rested herself on the wall with her eyes tightly shut in deep regret.

"Why is my fucked up life filled with bad luck's" Isla cursed under her breath.

"Girls let's rush your friend to the hospital before she dies out of shock… she has been lying there for minutes now!" The admin exclaimed as Isla signed.

"Old guy just leave her alone, she would get up when she recovers from the shock… she's just being her clumsy self" Isla said.

"So bald headed Mr, what do we do now?" Tricia said as the bald headed admin frowned.

"Language Tricia… Correct yourself" Isla whispered softly to Tricia's ear as she stylishly cleared her throat.

"Uhmm… please sir can we know your name?" Tricia asked tryna sound polite.

"Call me Mr Tip Tap" he said as Tricia frowed her brows in disgust.

"Weird name you got there you know?" Tricia said as Isla glared at her which she returned dramatically.

Tricia just got that long mouth problem and never minds what she spits out, she might be a genius but the bitch got lots of issues… she is badly sassy.

"So Mr Tip Tap… What do you think we should do now?, And as you said you are humans like us right?… So how did you get trapped here?" Isla asked

"Lots of questions you got there you know?… Anyways I am not exactly human, I am half human half wolve" he said as Tricia trolled her swivel chair in fear and Isla widened her eyes in shock.

"Hey!, Common!, You don't have to be scared of me, I no longer have the power of a wolve again in me, my wolve self is fading by the day and the little wolve Gene in me is what saves me from the students in this school, the lecturers in this school are also trapped but they can't be harmed because they are dark wolves and I am a castol wolve we are believed to be cursed, my type are rare and that's why it is hard for the students to recognize me, the only person that knows my identity right now is the Alpha wolve the owner of this school, he is next to the supreme wolve which makes him very powerful and dangerous, he is actually waiting for my wolve Gene to fade completely so he can devour me"

"Wow this is serious" Tricia said almost in tears

"So young ladies if you girls can avoid the Alpha wolve and keep off from the other wolves then you're 50% safe" Mr Tip Tap said which frightened the girls more, they are not even going to be 80% safe but 50%, that means they ain't sure of leaving for long.

"What's the name of the Alpha wolve?" Tricia asked

"I don't know his name, no one knows his name because no one has seen his real face before… he is always on mask, no human knows about this school, I wonder how far you guys searched to get it" Mr Tip Tap replied

Now the girls won't be sure of living their normal daily life again, since their life's are automatically in the hands of some deadly wolves.

"He seems to have a weird lifestyle" Isla said as she rubbed her temple in frustration.

"So what is gonna happen to us if we runaway?, How will they find out that someone like us ever visited the school?" Tricia asked.

"They have their ways dear, I will advice you to stay in the school if you cherish your lifes" he said as he adjusted his nerdy glasses and faced his desktop system.


"Young ladies as you can see, I am busy… we are done with this discussion, please leave my office" he said as Remy yawned getting their attentions, the clumsy bitch has been sleeping her ass off since.

"Remy get your ass up… we need to get going" Isla said as she stood up and stretched her bones.

★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★




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