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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 281

Ella’s POV

“Where?” I asked, quickly standing to my feet. “Where is this darkness?”

“I cannot say,” she said, a quizzical look in her eyes. “Darkness is such a powerful force that it feels as if it is everywhere, and yet nowhere.”

“But you are sure that it’s here?”

“Yes,” she answered. “As sure that I am that you and I are here.”

“I thought the purpose of the barrier was to keep darkness out,” I said, shaking my head with frustration. “I don’t understand how it can be here.”

“My mother explained that we cannot banish or destroy darkness. If darkness was already here before the barrier, it will remain. Maybe not be as powerful, and it might feel a bit of discomfort being within this barrier, but it will not be destroyed. If given the right tools, it can be strong again.”

“The right tool? What kind of tool are you talking about?” I asked.

“There are many,” she answered. “The most powerful is the moonstone.”

My heart fell into my stomach upon hearing her words.

“I thought the moonstone was for protection?” I asked. “How can it give darkness power?”

“The Moonstone is a powerful tool that could protect or destroy. Depending on who wields it and who what it’s used for.”

I rubbed my bare wrist; my mother had given me a moonstone bracelet on my 16(th) birthday; it was supposed to be meant to protect me. I took it off days ago and stored it in my jewelry box, forgetting to put it back on.

I rushed to the jewelry box that sat on my dresser. Opening it, I began to rummage through it.

“Where is it…” I murmured to myself.

The bracelet… it was gone. I could have sworn I put it in here.

Shaking my head, I stumbled away from the box.

“I mustn’t stay in this form. If I’m gone from the barrier for too long, it won’t remain, and dark magic will be able to enter.”

“You are able to keep dark magic away?” I asked, looking at her. My heart was racing as the realization that my moonstone bracelet had gone clouded my brain.

She nodded her head once.

“Dark magic cannot enter the barrier and the magic that was here previously has been banished. But darkness itself remains.”

“What am I supposed to do?” I asked. “I think whoever darkness is using to kill those people took my moonstone bracelet.”

“Find the one who wields the moonstone,” she answered. Her brightness was intensifying, and I knew she was leaving. “You must destroy the darkness before it destroys you.”

Those were her parting words before she turned into an orb of light and flew out my open window and back to the top of the shield.

My heart was heavy as I lay back in bed; I needed to find the person who had my moonstone bracelet. But how could I find out who that is? I thought I put it in my jewelry box, but maybe I dropped it somewhere.

“I will be going to the police station in the morning to speak with Scott and find out what I can,” Colton said through a mindlink.

I was relieved to hear his voice; I wanted to be with him and have him hold me in his arms. I wanted to tell him all that I had just found out.

“I want to come with you,” I said in return.

“You should stay here where it’s safe,” he told me.

“The killer is still here,” I said, sitting up in bed. “Nobody is safe.”

“The other students are safer with you there,” he corrected. “We can’t leave them unprotected when they and the gammas think they are safe. We will speak when I return from the police station; I promise.”

“I wish I could be with you right now,” I found myself admitting.

“I know,” he sighed. “Me too. But soon, my love. I promise. For right now, get some rest. I love you.”

“I love you too,” I said, feeling all sorts of exhausted.

The mindlink ended and I was left in silence. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to sleep, but soon my exhaustion got the best of me, and I slept.


“You are making a huge mistake by keeping me in here. The longer I’m here, the more danger she will be in,” Xander spat as my father drew his claws and swiped across Xander’s already bruised and bleeding face.

“Don’t you dare threaten my daughter,” my father seethed through his teeth.

His eyes were glowing amber as his wolf fought to take control and rip Xander’s throat out. Xander was shackled and thrown in a dirty cell. There was a pool of blood beneath him, and his body was badly beaten.

The sight alone was stomach-wrenching, but the scent made me want to vomit.


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