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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 282

Colton’s POV

“Do you need my assistance at the police station?” Beta Ethan asked over the phone.

I was in the car, heading to the station, as we spoke. I couldn’t get the look Ella had given me out of my head. She was so certain that Scott was innocent and oddly enough, as much as I hated Scott, I believed her. I don’t think the son of Alpha Emmet would be capable of cold-blooded murder.

Especially of an innocent girl.

But I also didn’t understand why he would confess to such a crime. I had a feeling that Alpha Emmet would also be at the police station wanting to get answers as well and I needed to be prepared for that.

“No,” I finally said, sighing. “I need you to remain at the pack and make sure everything is okay there. Is Alpha Bastien still there?”

“Yes; he’s still trying to get answers from Xander,” Ethan said, sounding annoyed. “I keep saying it might be time to transfer him to the prison so he can get sentenced for his crimes.”

“He kidnapped Ella,” I reminded my Beta. “Prison would be too good for him.”

“That’s what Alpha Bastien said too. I’m just saying, he’s not talking, and I doubt he’s going to in the future.”

I was starting to have an even weirder feeling about Xander, but I wasn’t going to tell Ethan that. I wondered who he was protecting so much that he’d risk his life over it. No amount of torture was worth it.

“If he doesn’t talk, he will die a slow and painful death,” I said in return.

“Indeed, he will,” Ethan agreed. “Keep me updated on what you find out.”

“I will,” I said. “Talk soon.”

I hung up on that note and threw my phone on my passenger seat. I pressed the gas even harder and made my car go even faster to get there quicker.

Once I pulled into the parking lot, I recognized Emmet’s red Porsche very quickly. I knew he would be here when I arrived; I could only imagine how angry he was over all of this.

I parked the car and walked across the lot until I reached the front entrance. I could almost feel his wrath before entering the police station.

As predicted, Emmet was growling and snarling at one of the front dispatchers.

“I want to see my son, NOW!” Emmet growled, the fur of his wolf breaking through his flesh like razor blades.

He was trying and failing at keeping his wolf under control. The head of his wolf was practically completely formed, and his claws were out, ready to scratch the dispatcher’s eyes out.

“I have orders to keep all visitors away for right now,” the dispatcher said, not looking the least bit phased by Emmet’s outburst.

Probably because he was used to Alpha Jonathan, and nobody could compare to Jonathan’s outbursts.

“He’s my SON!!” Emmet growled fiercely.

“He’s a dangerous criminal who murdered numerous people at a college,” the dispatcher argued back.

Emmet balled his fist and looked as if he was about to punch the class that separated them. The glass was unbreakable, even for wolves, so I knew it would only result in a broken hand.

I rushed toward him and grabbed his arm before he could complete the punch. He struggled against my hold, but I wasn’t going to let him go.

“Let me go, Colton,” he hissed through his teeth.

“No,” I said simply. “This isn’t going to solve anything.”

“He’s my son,” Emmet repeated, but this time turning to face me.

His wolf was glowing in his eyes, pulsating with anger.

“I know,” I said, trying to remain calm. “And we are going to figure this out, but you need to calm down.”

“He didn’t kill anyone,” Emmet said, lowering his fist. He now sounded defeated and drained. “I know him… he wouldn’t—” His voice broke off.

“Emmet, listen to me; I know he didn’t kill anyone,” I said, lowering my tone so only he could hear me. He looked at me surprised.

“You do?”

I nodded once.

“Ella believes it too and soon so will Alpha Bastien. We don’t believe that Scott is capable of such a thing.”

“What am I going to do?” Emmet asked. “He’s my son… he can’t be in prison for something he didn’t do…”

“The problem is he confessed to the crime,” I said, pulling him away from the dispatcher so we could talk more privately. “Do you have any idea why he would do such a thing?”

“I don’t fucking know,” Emmet said through his teeth. “It doesn’t make sense to me…”


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