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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 321

Ella’s POV

Another sleepless night had passed as I lay awake in the dark and cold cell. I kept my hand on my stomach, protectively. I had twins in my belly, and I needed to do what I could to protect them.

I wasn’t going to go down without a fight.

It wasn’t just my life and the life of my pups at stake now, it was also Sarah’s life. Her father was planning on turning her into a Volana wolf, using me as a sacrifice to make that happen. But what he doesn’t know is that she will be forfeiting her free will over to Jazzy.

Sarah is going to become a vessel for Jazzy to use.

An alternate weapon.

I didn’t have long before this ritual took place. It was tonight, the night of the red full moon. I didn’t know what was going to happen during this ritual, but I feared the worst.

Val was still within me, and she’d been speaking to me, trying to keep me calm, even though she was powerless. But I was just glad to have her with me.

“Our mate will come…” she continues to whisper. “He will save us.”

“He needs to find us first,” I murmured in return.

“Our mate will always find us,” she replied.

I heard the nearby doors opening and footsteps approaching. I sat up, keeping myself against the furthest corner of the cell, not wanting to be seen, but also knowing that it was unavoidable.

Jazzy came into view with a couple of unfamiliar rogues by her side. There was also a man standing beside Jazzy who didn’t give me a rogue vibe; he also didn’t give me a witch vibe.

He had a much darker aura and a chill coursed through my body as I looked into his dark eyes.

A smirk appeared on his thin lips as he assessed me. He stepped closer to the cell door.

“Well, isn’t she a beauty,” he breathed, staring around my body like I was a piece of meat, and he was ravenous.

“You haven’t seen anything yet,” Jazzy said, stepping beside him. She glared at me, and her expression darkened. “Shift,” she ordered me.

My heart fell into my stomach; I wasn’t going to give them what they wanted.

“No…” I said, keeping my eyes locked on hers.

She didn’t like that answer because her aura only darkened.

“I said, shift,” she repeated, this time in a much lower and more threatening tone.

“I’m getting a bad feeling…” Val murmured. “Let’s just shift.”

“We aren’t going to give in to their demands,” I told her in return.

Jazzy clenched her fists when I didn’t do what she wanted, and I saw electrical bolts bouncing around her fingertips.

“She’s going to electrocute us!” Val gasped. “Our pups!!”

Jazzy reached her hand out to touch the metal bar; she was going to turn this entire cage into a microwave if I didn’t shift.

I quickly stood up and allowed Val to take full control, shifting into my wolf form. Jazzy smiled and dropped her hands, allowing the electricity to cease.

“Wow!” The man beside her breathed.

The rogues took an unsteady step away.

“I gave her a drug, so she has no abilities, but she still has her wolf,” she explained, pleased. “She can’t escape from this cage. She isn’t strong enough. Come tonight… we will have a new vessel and the most powerful weapon to ever exist.”

“We should get started on the dark curse,” the man said, glancing at her. “We won’t have long before they come for her.”

Jazzy nodded, agreeing, before turning her back on me and walking away. The rogues followed her, but the man stayed a little longer. He stared at me for a long while, assessing every detail of my wolf with an expression I found difficult to read.

“You’re quite lovely,” he breathed. “It’s a shame you won’t live past tonight.”

With those chilling words left in the air, he turned and followed the others out of the room.

I staggered backward, shifting back into my human form, and falling against the wall. Without my abilities, shifting took a lot out of me.

I was exhausted and I felt disgusted and used.

Tears filled my eyes as I slid to the ground, pressing my knees to my chest, and burying my face in my lap.

As silence fell around me, I allowed myself to cry.


Coltons POV

“We are wasting time. We need to be searching for our mate,” Max groaned as we made our way to my mother’s village.

I agreed with him, but I also agreed that we needed to think rationally. We were a step closer to finding Ella. If we kept our heads clear, we would be able to be in the same area as her when this war breaks out.

Bastien had gone back to Higala to collect the others, leaving Xander, Selene, and me to head to my mother’s village.

I recognized the hazy shield that surrounded the village as soon as we approached. It was a shield that only I and those with Volana blood could see. Nobody else was allowed within this shield, except those who were invited by Hazel, the one who placed the shield.

“I will be back,” Selene said to us as she stepped through the shield and disappeared before our eyes.

I was unphased, Xander looked amazed by this.

We stood there, waiting for Selene to return with Hazel. She had to permit Xander to enter the barrier. Standing beside him felt awkward to me because this was a guy, I had spent a lot of time torturing.

It felt unnatural that he was on our side now, but I was grateful that he wasn’t working against us and that he really was looking out for Ella’s best interest. I never could have imagined that he was from the Ero’s pack.


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