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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 322

Coltons POV

Hazel walked across her small kitchen and rummaged through her cabinet until she found a wooden bowl. She returned to the table and placed it in the center before going to the other side of her kitchen and rummaging through some drawers until she uncovered a bag of coffee grinds.

She grabbed a knife from another drawer and sat it down on the table before taking her seat.

She opened the coffee and sprinkled some inside the bowl. Then she grabbed a knife and held the palm of her hand over the bowl.

Before she was able to slide a gash in her flesh, there was a pounding on her door, averting our attention.

“I’ll see who it is,” Selene said as she stood to her feet.

She went to the door and opened it; a small girl, maybe in her late 20s, ran into the house, breathless and panicked.

“Hazel! She gasped.

Hazel narrowed her eyes at the girl.

“What is it, Monica?” Hazel asked.

“There’s something outside It’s in the distance! I don’t know what it is.” the girl, Monica stammered.

I stood to my feet quickly and went outside with Selene. We both froze at the same time when we saw what Monica had seen in the far distance.

In the sky was a giant dark cloud; or maybe it was smoke. It looked as if it was coming toward us.

No; it was definitely coming toward us.

“It’s coming quickly, Selene breathed.

“It’s the dark curse,” Xander, who I hadn’t noticed was directly behind us. “It’s going to make everyone powerless.”

“I don’t think my shield is going to be enough to keep it away,” Hazel said, peering outside as well.

She took a deep breath and glanced at Monica who was shivering in the corner.

“Tell everyone to get inside their homes,” she ordered before looking at me. “We need to hurry and do this spell before I’m powerless.”

We went back inside quickly and gathered around her kitchen table.

Xander stood at the doorway, keeping watch of the dark curse with a grave look on his face.

“We have less than a minute,” he announced. “Do the spell quickly!”

Hazel began to speak the spell in her Latin tongue; as she spoke, a gust of wind whooshed around her house, lifting our hair up and around our faces. The table began to shake wildly as she clutched the bowl firmly in her hands.

As the lights began flickering, Xander began to count down from 15. That was how much time we had before the dark curse officially hit us.

Hazel spoke the last of her words and held her palm open above the wooden bowl which had the coffee grinds inside of it. She grabbed the knife as Xander reached 5 seconds.

With one quick motion, she swiped the blade across her flesh and blood pooled into the bowl. To my surprise, fire burst from the wooden bowl, heating up the entire room.

As Xander ended the countdown, he ran into the house, slamming and locking the door in place, as if that would keep darkness away.

“It’s here!” He announced as the entire house began to tremble and shake like there was an earthquake.

The fire began to simmer just as darkness clouded the windows and began to leak into the house.

Everything soon went completely dark.


Ella’s POV

“What are we supposed to do? Sit here and babysit?” One of the rogue guards asked as he made himself comfortable outside my cage.

“You heard the boss; we have to make sure nothing happens to her,” the other mumbled. “We are a few hours away from the ritual and she doesn’t want anything to happen.”

My heart was racing against my chest as I listened to these rogues speak about me like I wasn’t even there. I took a deep breath trying to steady myself, but to no prevail.

“What’s the plan for this ritual anyway?” One of the rogues asked, making conversation with the other.

“I think they are planning on draining this Volana of all her blood and having that other girl consume it,” the other rogue said, shrugging. “Something like that.”

“What is the point of creating another Volana?” The other one muttered. “Doesn’t that defeat the purpose?”

“Something about creating an ultimate weapon.”My stomach clenched upon hearing their words. I touched my stomach gently, knowing I had pups inside of me and if I didn’t do something quickly, they weren’t going to live to see the world.

I couldn’t let that happen.

“Did you even see the girl they are planning on turning into a Volana?” One of the rogues asked. “She looks like she’s about to die at any moment. She’s way too weak to be any kind of weapon.”

“Probably why she’s in the infirmary upstairs.”

I scrambled to my feet; Sarah was only upstairs in the infirmary?

There’s no way Sarah would go through with this if she knew what was happening. I had to get to her somehow.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to think of the best way to get to the infirmary.

“I might have an idea… but it’s risky,” Val whispered, uncertainty clear in her tone. She had been quiet for most of the day until this point, so hearing her voice startled me.

“What is it?” I asked quickly. “I’ll do it. I trust you, Val.”

She was quiet for a moment, trying to figure out how to say it. I could feel her unease, and it made me feel uneasy as well.

“Val…” I urged. “Talk to me. What is it?

“Okay, so bear with me on this plan…” she said softly. “I was left with a little bit of strength and energy. It’s the only way I’m able to fully shift and be here with you.”

“Okay?” I said, impatiently.

“We have to get to the infirmary, and I don’t think they will let us go unless something is seriously wrong.”


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