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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 325

Ella’s POV

I gasped as air slammed into my lungs. My eyes flew open to peer at a light that was shining directly in my face. Pain shot throughout my body as I felt tubes and wires sticking out of me.

As my body trembled, I tried to grasp my surroundings. I had no idea where I was, and I wasn’t even quite sure what had happened. All I remembered was losing my shit in the cage and then I couldn’t breathe.

Now air was being forced into my lungs at a strength I couldn’t handle.

Something was inside of my mouth, deep in my throat, forcing this air into me.

“Val?” I tried to reach my wolf, hoping to hear her comforting voice.

I needed her to confirm that I was still alive.

“I’m here…” Her small voice whispered, much to my relief. “Our pups are here as well, and they are fine.”

My heart swelled at the news. My pups were okay; they were alive, and they were well. My wolf managed to protect them from whatever had happened. I tried so hard to remember, but everything was such a blur.

“But I am so tired…” Val continued. “I used the rest of my strength to protect them.”

“Rest,” I told her gently. “You did well.”

I watched through my mind’s eyes as Val lowered her head and closed her eyes.

My heart began to pound rapidly against my ribcage as the pressure between my throat and my lungs grew too intense for me to handle. I needed to get this tube out of my body.

I reached my hands up and tugged at the tube but the movement of it triggered my gag reflex and I suddenly couldn’t breathe. I started to gag and cough as air quickly left my lungs.

“Oh, goddess!” I heard from a distance.

I wasn’t alone as I had thought.

Someone rushed over to me and started to dismantle the tube. Soon, the tube was removed from my mouth, and I was able to breathe again. I coughed, rubbed my aching throat, and took greedy gulps of natural air.

“You’re okay,” a woman breathed, patting my back as I leaned over the bed and coughed.

I didn’t know I vomited until she brought me a towel and a glass of water. I peered up at the woman and narrowed my eyes. My eyes finally adjusted to the lighting and her face became clear to me.

“Dr. Laureen?” I managed to say in a raspy tone.

“I’m so happy you are awake,” she breathed.

She motioned for me to lie back down and then she placed a cool cloth on my forehead. I was burning up; I must have had a fever.

“Do you remember what happened?” She asked me, glancing at me briefly before checking my heart rate and my breath intake.

I tried to think harder about the events that unfolded. I just remembered being angry and trying to break out of the cage. I threatened those rogues, but I don’t remember much else.

However, when I thought about the anger, it didn’t feel genuine. I was angry for sure, but I wasn’t angry enough to lose my mind like that. It didn’t seem like something I would do; so, why would I?

I didn’t say any of that to Dr. Laureen though; I knew she wasn’t on my side. She was on the side of my kidnappers. I had to tread lightly when speaking to her.

So, I shook my head slowly.

“You were injected with Starlight,” she told me softly. “And you are highly allergic to Starlight.”

My heart fell deep into my stomach. I knew I was allergic to Starlight. Did those rogues inject me with it?

Before I could ask any questions, the door of the clinic opened.

“How is she? We only have about an hour before the ritual,” Jazzy said as she rushed into the room.

“She’s awake,” Dr. Laureen stated. “But she’s going to need to rest for a little while.”

“We don’t have a little while,” Jazzy hissed through her teeth. “We only have an hour.”

“Then get everything set up. By the time you are finished, she will be well enough. She has a fever and I’m pumping her with antibiotics. I’m testing her blood now to make sure it’s no longer contaminated.”

Jazzy glared at me as if I had done something wrong. As if I was the one who injected me with—

Soon, the memory flooded into my mind.

I set this up.

I convinced those rogues to inject me with something I knew I was allergic to. Val promised she would protect my pups and she did.

But why would I do such a thing knowing that I could have died?

I broke eye contact with Jazzy and looked up at Dr. Laureen who was finishing running tests before she turned to Jazzy.


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