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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 324

Coltons POV

As quickly as that dark cloud of smoke came, it disappeared, leaving us speechless in the middle of Hazel’s kitchen. We all looked at one another with large eyes and rapidly beating hearts.

My mother had jumped from her seat and wrapped her arms around me as soon as she saw the darkness leaking in through the window.

“Is everybody okay?” I asked after a few minutes of stunned silence had passed.

Selene glanced down at her body with a brown; she raised her hands in front of her eyes. She first examined her palms, and then the back of her hand. She was quiet and her face had gone pale almost immediately after darkness had passed through.

There was something else different that I couldn’t figure out.

“Selene…” my mother breathed, staring at her with dismay written all over her face. “Your eyes… they’re brown…”

My mother was right; Selene, who had one purple and one blue eye like Ella, now had two brown eyes.

“What does that mean?” I asked, looking at my mother and then at Hazel who was also looking rather pale.

“It means her Volana abilities are completely gone,” Hazel answered. “My powers are gone too… I can’t feel them.”

My heart sank deep into my stomach as I stared at Hazel.

“She had actually done it… Jazzy created a dark curse that makes everybody powerless, including witches.”

My mother stood.

“I’m going to make sure everybody is okay,” my mother said as she turned and quickly left the house.

“If I don’t have my abilities, how am I going to fight and get my daughter back?” Selene asked, glancing at me and then at Hazel.

“Everything is still going as planned,” Xander, who was standing in the corner of the kitchen said as he unfolded his arms and walked toward the table. “The curse has been placed just like Eloise’s vision.”

“What else did Eloise see?” Hazel asked, staring up at Xander curiously.

“She saw a war that everyone was fighting in. I wasn’t in her vision fighting in the war, but I will be there this time. Ella is a little more prepared for a battle as well. She’s a better fighter than she was. It’s to be assumed that she doesn’t have her wolf, so she will have to fight in her human form.”

“But in Eloise’s vision, she saw Ella die, no?” Hazel asked.

Xander nodded.

“As long as we make sure she doesn’t die, that vessel will never be born,” Xander explained. “That’s our main focus. Making sure she stays alive.”

Max began to growl inside of me at the mention of our mate. There was no way in hell that we were going to allow anything to happen to her. But we had to find her first.

I looked at Hazel who was staring down at her bowl.

“We have to figure out where Ella is being held,” I said, trying to keep Max under control.

Hazel lifted her gaze and met my eyes.

“I know exactly where she is,” she breathed. “My spell…. It worked.”


Third Person POV

Jazzy barged into the clinic and stormed over to Hannah who remained very focused on Ella.

“Are you going to be able to save her?” Jazzy asked, peering down at a very pale Ella.

Hannah had tubes and wires sticking out of Ella’s small body. She looked very childlike on the clinic bed. The heart monitor was beeping slowly, but it was steady. It meant that Ella was still alive, which was good. She needed her to stay alive until the ritual tonight.

“Right now, I’m just trying to flush the Starlight out of her,” Hannah explained. “I won’t know for another hour. Maybe.”“The ritual is in 5 hours,” Jazzy said through her teeth. “Will she be okay before then?”

“Again… I won’t know if this is working for maybe another hour. If it doesn’t work, then no… her blood has been contaminated. It won’t be strong enough to work.”

Fury boiled through Jazzy as she clenched her fists. She wanted to punch something to relieve some of the anger and tension she felt.

Those stupid rogues could have ruined everything.


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