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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 329

Coltons POV

Alpha Jonatha’s eyes began to glow red with fury as he glared at Jazzy.

I could feel his anger from where I stood on the other side of the shield. Ella must have dropped that paper on purpose so Jonathan would see that Jazzy had no intention of helping Sarah. She’s using Sarah for her selfish needs to rid the world of Volana wolves and have the strongest weapon ever to exist.

She would be killing Sarah, not helping her.

Jonathan was now fully aware of her true plans, and he was not happy with this.

“What the hell is this, Jazzy?!” He growled, gazing at Jazzy with glowing red eyes.

Jazzy glanced at him as the cauldron grew even hotter and the smoke that emerged from it changed colors. She had finished placing her ingredients in the cauldron and now all she needed was Ella’s blood.

The moon was at the highest point in the sky, which meant the spell was just about done. The tendrils were positioning Ella over the cauldron and my heart weighed heavily in my chest.If I lost her, I would lose my entire world.

She was my mate, my love, the only one I would ever want in life. She was my future wife and Luna, the mother to my future children. She was the light of my life, and I was about to lose her.

If I could just turn back time, I would have kept her home with me. I would have kept her tucked and safe in my arms where I knew no harm could get to her.

I wanted her to know so badly how much I loved her.

I shouldn’t have pushed her away when I first found out she was my mate. I should have kept her close and made her feel loved.

“Jazzy, answer my question!” Jonathan demanded, breaking me out of my thoughts.

The ground shook with each word he spoke.

She glanced at him with no emotion on her face.

“Down mutt,” she hissed at him. “Did you seriously think I’d help you?”

She let out a bitter laugh as the rogues that surrounded them howled in response.

“I’m protecting the world,” Jazzy continued, her voice booming across the forest. “This goes much bigger than your dumb daughter.”

Jazzy turned her back on him and he growled furiously, shifting into his large black wolf with piercing red eyes.

I had never seen Jonathan this angry before and it made me take a step back. I thought he was going for Jazzy, but he turned and glared at the witches who kept the shield intact.

I was surprised that the witches looked nervous.

Jonathan ripped through the throat of one of the witches who held up the shield. Bringing my attention back to him. The other witches screamed in horror for their fallen coven sister and blood splattered everywhere.

“It’s time, my love,” Jazzy shouted to Zagreus who seemed to be controlling the dark tendrils. Now that her witches were in trouble, she sounded more frantic than ever. “Bleed the Volana!”

The shield instantly came down once that witch was taken out and the others grew too distracted to maintain it.

I wasted no time. I allowed Max full control, and we ran the fastest we had ever run in our entire life. We used everything we could to get up to Ella. He jumped up on the cauldron and used trees to gain height. Then he jumped as fast and as hard as he could against the tree, flying through the air just as the tendril reached Ella and was about to puncture her chest.

We jumped between her, and the tendril, blocking the blow from our mate.


Ella’s POV

When I came through, I was being lifted off the ground and carried. I opened my eyes to see my Xander running with me and taking me away from what sounded like the continuing battle.

“Xander?” I gasped. “What is going on? Where are you taking me?”

“I need to get you out of here and to safety,” he breathed. “My only task is to keep you alive!”

“What happened?” I asked again, trying to wiggle myself out of his arms. “Where’s Colton?”

When Xander didn’t answer, I low growl escaped my throat.

“Let me go!” I growled, struggling even harder against him.

I felt the power of my wolf surging through me, and electricity poured from my fingers. My father released me quickly before I zapped him.

“You need to stay alive,” Xander seethed.

“I do not run from fights,” I hissed, staring down at my hands that were still producing electricity.

“Our powers are back…” Val said firmly. “Now let’s get to our mate.”

I was relieved to hear her voice but confused as to how we got our powers back.

“If you die, that vessel will be born, and the nation will Fall. His sacrifice would have been for nothing.”

I narrowed my eyes.


Was he talking about Colton?

Oh, my goddess.

Xander knew he had said something wrong when he sighed deeply.

“Ella…” Before he could get another word out, I was already shifting into my wolf form and running as fast as I could in the direction we came.

Thankfully weren’t too far from the fight. When I got there, it was absolutely mayhem. The shield that once covered us was broken and it looked like the darkness that clouded the air was completely gone.

I saw Sarah in the far distance in the far distance; they were both fighting rogues. Her father was a large black beast with piercing red eyes, and he was furious. He must have seen the paper I dropped before I passed out.

Sarah seemed to be using her abilities to get rid of some of the rogues as her father tore through them with his large and sharp canines. I was surprised that Sara still had her abilities despite the dark curse, but the more she used them, the paler she got.

Brody was struggling to get to her, yelling for her to stop as he was bombarded with rogues. Sarah ran toward him to help him fight, but I could see how weak she had gotten.

My heart ached for her.

Jazzy was fighting with Hazel, but they looked to be arguing and fighting at the same time. Hazel was still desperately trying to get through to her, but Jazzy wasn’t listening to her. Hazel had placed a shield around herself to protect herself.


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