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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 330

Colton’s POV

I was stabbed deep by one of those snake tendril things. I felt pain for the first couple of seconds and watched as blood soaked my entire body and dropped to the ground below me. Ella was released and she fell to the ground.

Thankfully, Bastien was running toward her and caught her.

I saw a faint slight and a gust of wind whooshing over us, knocking most of them off their feet. When I looked below me, I saw Selene running as fast as she could toward Bastien and Ella.

Her eyes were back to their normal purple and blue color.

She got her abilities back.

I knew the only thing holding me together was the fact that the tendril was still inside of me. Pain seared through my body, and I found it difficult to hold onto my consciousness. I wanted to get to Ella, but if I moved, I would bleed out for sure.

Bastien was handing an unconscious Ella to Xander, telling him to get her to safety.

I was wondering why the snake things weren’t doing anything and why Zagreus had gotten quiet. I saw that he was staring at me with utter horror while Jazzy kept demanding him to finish the job.

Soon, I was blinded by this intense ray of light, unsure of where it was coming from. Just as the light whooshed over me, the tendril was yanked out of my body, and pain shot through me. I felt blood gushing out of me.

My body began to fall as darkness quickly consumed me.


When I came through, I was in a field. I didn’t feel any pain, nor did I feel any blood on my body. It felt as if was waking from a terrible dream.

I lifted my head and felt the warmth of the sun. Which was odd because it was nighttime when I was stabbed by that snake thing. Or so I thought it was.

I thought about that intense ray of light and wondered if it could have come from the sun.I struggled to sit up, expecting to feel pain, but I felt nothing. I soon realized I was in a meadow of some sort, and I also wasn’t alone.

Beside me, was a large familiar wolf, sitting and watching me with concerned eyes.

“Max?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

It was strange seeing my wolf like this and not through my mind’s eye.

Sadness soon washed over his gaze, and he lowered his head without saying anything.

What happened?

Where was Ella?

Max looked off in the distance, fixing his eyes on something. I followed his gaze and saw what he was looking at.

Someone was coming toward us.

With a pounding heart, I stood to my feet quickly, watching as this person came closer into view.

It was a woman with a flowing white dress and long blonde hair with a crown of white flowers around her forehead. She was oddly beautiful in an indescribable way. Her face was flawless, maybe even porcelain. She also had a glow about her that I had never seen in any other being.

It was an aura that was so bright that I found it hard to look directly at her.

She was barefoot as she walked through the meadow of white flowers; the flowers in the meadow matched her crown.

When she looked at me, she had a gentle smile placed on her perfectly formed lips.

“Colton…” she spoke gently; her voice was like a song and instantly calmed me. “You have done so well my child…”

Staring at her, I suddenly knew who she was.

“You’re the Moon Goddess,” I said slowly; her smile widened, becoming more radiant than ever.

“I am,” she confirmed. “I am also very incredibly proud of your brave and selfless act of light and love.”

“I don’t understand…” I said, glancing around at the meadow. “Where am I?”

Before she answered she turned toward Max, lowering herself and holding her hand out to him. Max stood and walked toward her, bowing his head in front of her so she could stroke her long slender fingers through his thick fur.

“This is where your wolf chose to come,” she finally answered. “A place to keep your spirit safe until it can return to your body.”

My heart went crashing into my stomach. I was detached from my body… which meant…

“I’m dead…” I said out loud.

The moon goddess glanced up at me and then rose to her feet, keeping her eyes on mine.

I couldn’t read her expression, which made the knot in my stomach tighten even more.

“With your brave act, you banished darkness from your world,” she breathed. “You sacrificed yourself for the life of your mate. A sacrifice like that creates the brightest light to ever exist. It was enough to defeat darkness and stop Jazzy from killing your mate. You did well and you should be proud of yourself.”

“Ella is okay?” I asked in a low whisper, remembering that tendril that was about to pierce her.

“She will be soon enough,” the Moon Goddess said softly. “Thanks to you, all the Volanas have their abilities back and the dark curse has been broken. Zagreus has been banished from this nation and Jasmine is powerless. You took part in restoring this nation, just as the prophet had stated.”

“The prophet?” I found myself asking.

She nodded her head once.

“Ella is not the strongest Volana alone. You have Volana blood inside of you as well, Colton. With your light, love, and strength, you complete the other half of what makes her the strongest. Without you, this nation could never be restored as it was intended.”

I was in disbelief at her words; I had no idea I carried that much power within me. I stared down at my hands like I was expecting them to do something.

The Moon Goddess stepped toward me, reaching her hand out and placing it on my cheek, making me look up at her.

Warmth instantly spread throughout my body.

“You have endured a lot in your lifetime, but you have learned so much and you grew into such a wonderful young man, Colton,” she said softly. “I’m so proud of you.”


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