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I Only Want You novel Chapter 24

At the Grand Dynasty Hotel.

"So uh, you called us over to watch you get wasted?" Isaac Bai teased.

James Lu threw him a glare and poured himself another glass.

"Tell us then, why are you so pissed?" Benjamin Cheng looked at him.

James finished his wine in a gulp and slammed the glass onto the table. He exclaimed heatedly, "I can't believe how ungrateful that fucking woman is! I, James Lu, have already agreed to marry her, and she somehow has the gall to make demands!"

Isaac was highly interested. "What demands?"

"Hmph!" James snorted angrily. "She said that she only wants a certificate, and doesn't want a wedding. Is she f*cking kidding me?"

"Uh..." Isaac was lost for words.

Benjamin raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

"You tell me." James pointed at Isaac. "Who does she think she is? I've already given her the honor of marrying me! No wedding? Ha, then what's the f*cking point?"

"Are you sure?" Benjamin looked at him with a faint smile. He stood up and gracefully poured himself a glass as well. "The story of Mr. Lu ordering two whole boxes of Lafite has spread around the entire Grand Dynasty Hotel in mere hours." James grunted. "What do you know?"

Benjamin nodded. "I don't. I don't have to anyway." He smiled. "I actually like her idea. I mean, think about it, do you know who you are? Maybe you're not a household name, but even just in A City, more than plenty of people know about you."

"What does that have to do with a wedding?" James snapped at him.

"Do you really think she wants people to be pointing fingers and talking behind her back?"

Isaac nodded. "Ben's right. We all come from similar backgrounds. You know what it was like at school, how other students looked at us, and how they were green with envy or desperate to suck up to us. It felt bad."

"... Who cares about how others look at her? You guys know why I'm getting married."


On Sunday.

Elizabeth Liang was lying idly on the sofa, sighing from time to time.

She borrowed a thousand from Evelyn Wu, and spent more than half of it convincing James to come home, but with one sentence she has managed to piss him away again.

D*mn it!

But she really didn't think she was wrong.

Elizabeth sighed.

She tried the same trick, but it didn't work twice. Elizabeth had gone to the Grand Dynasty Hotel again yesterday, but the receptionist told her that James wasn't there, so she had to go home with the lunch box and her tail between her legs.

"Why are you lying there?" A voice asked coolly.

"Aah!" Startled by the sudden male voice, Elizabeth jumped up from the sofa and turned to see James looking at her with a frigid expression. She was overjoyed, but muttered, "How did you not make a sound? You freaked me out!"

That was scary as hell!

James looked around and saw Peppa Pig playing on his huge LCD screen. He snorted and said, "Well you're enjoying yourself!"

Hearing this, Elizabeth smiled embarrassedly and quickly picked up the remote to turn it off.

She looked at him and asked sweetly, "Are you back? Are you having dinner at home? Then I'll go grocery shopping."


"Huh?" The smile on her face faded a little.

Was he leaving again?


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