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I Only Want You novel Chapter 84

On Elizabeth Liang's way to dinner, she took some time to call James Lu.

However, she hung up a second after she made the call. She would probably be better off making a difficult request like this over a text message. Otherwise, she'll probably have to bear through another roaring temper tantrum from that angry little lion.

As Elizabeth thought about this, her delicate fingers danced across the screen - James, are you busy?

James was having an overseas video conference with several of the company's senior executives, when his muted phone suddenly started buzzing on his desk.

The sound was obviously quite obtrusive in such a quiet room.

When all the people in the room collectively looked toward his cellphone, James furrowed his eyebrows and secretly cursed at whomever was texting him.

James glanced at the screen and saw that it was Elizabeth. He gritted his teeth, but still picked up his phone with a composed expression. Without getting up, he put his phone under the table like a middle schooler who was hiding a comic book from his teacher during class. But he had to act as if he was entirely and seriously focused on this meeting.

James read the message and typed a word back -What? Elizabeth didn't expect to receive a reply so soon. She was just about to tell him that she couldn't be home to make dinner, when she received another text from him - Done with exams?

Elizabeth thought about how much effort he had put in to help her revise for so many days, and seeing how much he cared about her right now, a small smile appeared on her lips - All done. By the way, so many of the questions were about stuff that you highlighted for me, so I knew how to do all of them. It basically only took me half the time to finish everything.

James read Elizabeth's text and smiled smugly. He had just finished typing out, "Now you understand that I'm omnipotent" when he received another text from her - Can you eat outside tonight? We're having a party tonight, so I might not be home in time to cook.

James raised his eyebrows and deleted his original text, then quickly typed out four words - Who are you with?

- They're all my classmates.

James glanced at his computer, knowing that the meeting was going to go on for a long time and that he probably couldn't go home for dinner anyway. Plus, he now knew that Elizabeth had aced her exams, and he was still pleased about the fortune that he had spent for her sake. So for once, he gave her a generous reply of permission - Sure. Make sure you're home by ten!

Elizabeth replied with "Okay". Feeling relieved, she couldn't help grinning as she held her phone in her hands. "Ew..." Seeing that Elizabeth has finally finished texting, Evelyn Wu scowled at her and said, "Aren't you just telling your husband where you're going? Do you have to smile like that? Gross!"

Elizabeth blushed. "You're so annoying, Evelyn!"

"No I'm not!" Evelyn snorted then impishly whispered, "Now that you've got your husband's permission, there ain't nothing to worry about now. Let your mouth go and make her go broke!"


Margot Wang unreservedly flaunted her wealth today at every chance she got. Although the instructor and the dean hadn't come in the end, she still treated the entire class to a grand and expensive meal at a hotel. Not only was every single dish a speciality, she also got everyone into a huge luxury karaoke suite upstairs after dinner.

Although this place was not as magnificent as the Grand Dynasty, it was still a five- star hotel, and naturally far from affordable for most people.

Elizabeth was reluctant to go to karaoke, because she knew that it meant she would have to drink. And after being betrayed by Josephine Liang after getting drunk, and also what happened with James, even the thought of drinking made her feel uncomfortable.

But Evelyn was persistent. "We're already here, why be a downer now?" She continued with barely concealed excitement, "You should seize every chance to come to a place like this. Well, you're a rich madam now so you don't care, but this is incredible to me! Come on, let's go. All you need to do is sing a few songs and drink some juice, nobody's forcing you to drink, right?"


"But what? Look at you right now, you look like a boring full-time housewife!" Evelyn shook her head. "Listen, a woman needs to know how to have fun even after they're married, otherwise you're wasting your life! Got it?"

Margot was almost done arranging everything. Seeing that Elizabeth still wasn't budging, she gracefully walked over to her with an innocent smile. "Elizabeth, why are you still standing here? Come on, let's go and sing!" Then in an unusual event, she reached out and linked her arm with Elizabeth's.

Elizabeth was still hesitant, "I really..."

But Evelyn didn't give her any chance to find an excuse. She grabbed Elizabeth's other arm and dragged her along. "Come on, let's just go, time for karaoke!"

They were late to arrive, so by the time they reached the suite the other students were already singing and drinking and playing games. The place was bustling with noise and excitement.

Margot looked perfectly comfortable with the situation, probably because she came to places like these very often. She arranged for Evelyn and Elizabeth to sit down with a radiant smile on her face, then busied herself with something else, as if she owned the place.

"I've only been to a karaoke once before, Elizabeth. But this one is so much more impressive, the sound system is amazing!" Evelyn looked around the suite and excitedly shook Elizabeth's arm back and forth. Because the sound was extremely loud, she had to shout every time she spoke. "Hey! Look at Sean Jiang, he always looks so girly, I had no idea he smoked so much!"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes at Evelyn in defeat, then yelled back at her, "Don't you think it's too stuffy here?"

"It's okay!" Evelyn giggled, "Let's go and sing, Elizabeth!"

"You go ahead, I wanna sit here."

"Alright then, I'll leave you alone. Bye!" Evelyn left Elizabeth behind and ran to select a song for herself.

Elizabeth sat alone as she watched the other students having fun, and felt a little silly and out of place. She really disliked places like this.


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