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I Only Want You novel Chapter 89

"Are you trying to break my doorbell like this?" James Lu angrily pulled opened the door and looked at the person standing outside with exasperation and fury.

Isaac Bai snorted and slipped into the house with his medicine chest. "Look how petty you are! You're the one who told me to rush over here ASAP! Well, now that I came here in a hurry, you're losing your temper at me? Really?"

Isaac looked suspiciously at James, who had closed the door and was following behind him. After some careful examination he said, "Hmm... something's up with you!"

"Right, my a*s!"

"You sure?" Isaac raised his eyebrows at James, clearly unconvinced. "Your clothes are crumpled and your hair is in a mess. Did you just roll out of bed?"

"Ahem..." James coughed a little unnaturally.

"What?" Isaac glanced upstairs and gave James a curious wink. "Did you take care of it already?"

Ugh! If Isaac hadn't arrived so perfectly on time, James might've been a third of the way through by now.

"Cut your crap! Go upstairs already!" After saying that, James took the lead and walked up the stairs.

Isaac shrugged his shoulders and followed. Standing in front of Elizabeth Liang's room, James put his hand on the doorknob and glanced at Isaac. "I'll go in first. You come in later."

"I have no objections, do whatever you want."

"Hmph!" James grunted and turned the doorknob. After entering the room, he closed the door again without fully shutting it, but made sure that Isaac could not see what was going on inside.

The sheets on Elizabeth were already kicked to the bottom of her feet.

James inhaled and commended himself for being smart enough to not let Isaac follow him inside. He bent over and pulled down Elizabeth's T-shirt, then covered up her body with the bedsheets again. Finally, he turned to the door and said, "Come in!"

Isaac muttered as he came in, "You're such a... Oh my god!" When Isaac approached the bed and saw Elizabeth, who was squirming around on the bed with a frighteningly red face, he couldn't help but cry out loud, "I didn't know it was this bad!"

James's eyebrows were deeply furrowed. "Hurry up! Can't you see how much pain she's in?"

Isaac immediately stopped joking and straightened his face. He opened his chest and began preparing the medicine.

James watched as the syringe slowly pushed down to inject the medicine and pursed his lips into a thin line. Irritated, he decided to have a smoke, but when he took out the cigarette and saw Elizabeth lying on the bed, he stopped and put it back into his pocket dejectedly.

"She only needs this injection?" After throwing the syringe into the trash can on the side, Isaac said, "Yeah, basically."

"What do you mean 'basically'?" James was unhappy, "I want an absolute answer, okay?"

"You don't trust my expertise?"

"Fine." James nodded.

Whatever medicine Isaac had given Elizabeth clearly worked well, since it only took about five minutes for her to quiet down and breathe smoothly again.

"Happy now?" Isaac glanced over at James, who finally looked a bit more relaxed. "I added a sedative in there to help her get some sleep."


In the living room.

"Who did your little wifey offend to warrant that nasty stuff?" Isaac pinched his nose bridge as he asked James next to him.

"I don't know yet." James frowned and narrowed his eyes slightly. "But I will find out." James would never, ever tolerate anyone who dared to touch what belonged to him.

Isaac nodded. "That was an incredibly potent drug. Why didn't you at least take her to the hospital if you couldn't take care of it yourself? You..."

James scoffed, "What do you know?"

He was almost at the hospital, but he suddenly turned the car around and went straight home. On the way he called Isaac and gave him a rundown of the events before hanging up the phone.

Take her to the hospital? Just the thought of submitting Elizabeth to the weird and creepy gaze of strangers made James feel extremely uncomfortable.

"You didn't want to be judged?" Isaac smiled knowingly, then exclaimed, "Jimmy, have you noticed that you've kind of changed?"

"Changed?" James smiled. "I don't think so."


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