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I Only Want You novel Chapter 95


"In conclusion, you got him completely wrong!" Evelyn Wu was getting anxious as well. "James Lu left with you first yesterday, but his assistant later told me that James Lu abandoned a billion-dollar deal to come and save you!"

"A... what?" Elizabeth Liang shuddered and widened her eyes in disbelief. "You're saying he..."

"Elizabeth, do you know how blessed you are? Do you know how ridiculously wrong you were today?" Evelyn pulled at her hair as she spoke like a disappointed mother.

Evelyn hesitated, but eventually asked cautiously, "Was... was it a really bad fight?"

Elizabeth didn't even know what to do anymore, she didn't know whether to laugh or get mad. Should she laugh at herself for how stupid she was, or should she be mad at herself for being an ungrateful wretch and letting his kind intentions go to waste?

She was so angry and disappointed just a moment ago, thinking that she got played by James like a fiddle, while the truth was that her lack of discernment leads her to make this huge blunder. Not only did she stew in her anger and sulk away most of her day, she had managed to royally piss James off as well. She... She really was kind of impressive!

"Sort of."

Evelyn gasped in response. "You dumb-dumb, I don't even know what to say."

"Evelyn..." Elizabeth bit her lip. "What do you think I should do now? He looked really... really angry today..."

"What should you do? You tell me!"

"Evelyn..." Elizabeth put her hand on her forehead. "I suddenly feel like I was ridiculously wrong about everything..."

"Took you long enough!" Evelyn rolled her eyes. "I texted you ages ago telling you to call me. And now what? You've pissed off the best husband you could ever find in the universe! Hmph! That's karma for you!"

"Do you have to keep going like that?"

"Fine!" Evelyn snorted, "Are you guilty? Do you regret it now?"

"Yeah..." Elizabeth pulled her hair with a frustrated expression. "Evelyn, what should I do?"

"What should you do? Easy! Since you're in the wrong, go and apologize to him!"

"Apologize?" Elizabeth shook her head with chagrin. "That's it?" That would be so embarrassing!

"Of course! When he comes back, say 'I'm sorry', say that you've made a mistake and misunderstood him. What's he gonna do, ignore you forever?"

Elizabeth looked at the night sky outside of the window and put down her phone to look at the time. Then she said, "He... probably won't come back today... And, he said that he never wants to see me again..."

"So you're just gonna give up?" Evelyn scoffed at Elizabeth's concerns. "Don't married couples bicker all the time? You really think that he's never gonna come home?"

"A guy like him..." Elizabeth sighed. "You don't know this, but he can be really hard to talk to sometimes..." Especially after what happened today.

"Fine! Let's say that he doesn't come home, can't you go and find him instead? He's not going to quit working at his own company! When you find him, apologize and ask him to forgive you, simple, right? Didn't you say that he likes your cooking? Why not carry a homemade lunch box with you? The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, you think he wouldn't forgive you then? Idiot!"

"Well... okay." Then Elizabeth suddenly asked, "Evelyn, I have a question..."


"You know I ate that... thing yesterday? It couldn't have just gone away on its own, right? You've read so many romance novels, you know what I mean, yeah?"

Evelyn seemed unruffled. "Oh, that. Even if your husband did do something to you while you were unconscious, he had no other choice. What was he supposed to do, just watch you in that state? Plus, you two are married, isn't that normal? What are you fussing about?" "But..." Elizabeth held the phone in her hand and was at a loss for what to say. Should she really admit that they've never done the deed after getting a license? Besides...

"No more buts, but what?" Evelyn grunted.

"But... it's weird, isn't it?" Elizabeth debated with herself for a while, but eventually added, "I wasn't even really conscious..." Although she didn't feel repulsed knowing that it was with James, she still struggled to make peace with what happened.

"You can't change what happened anyway. But..." Evelyn thought for a moment and said, "Maybe there is another explanation... maybe he really didn't do anything and controlled the problem with medication."

"Is that possible?" Delight flashed through Elizabeth's heart, but she immediately denied the possibility of herself. "I don't think that's the case. I feel really sore all over right now..."

"Well..." Although Evelyn was an avid fiction reader, she didn't really know much without having actually experienced any of the events herself. "It's not impossible, is it? Anyway, your husband's the one who saved your life, why don't you just call him first and ask him whether he used medication or something else?"

After Elizabeth hung up Evelyn's phone call, she miserably laid down on the sofa.

"Ah! So annoying!" She irritably kicked her legs in the air.

Quite a bit of time passed before Elizabeth took out her cellphone and found James's number. After hesitating for a moment, she finally made up her mind to call him.

Her palms were slick with nervous sweat as she held the phone.

If James picked up his phone, how could she ask him the question nicely and tactfully?

Meanwhile, at the Grand Dynasty Hotel.

Isaac Bai looked at the phone that was buzzing and turning in circles on the coffee table, then glanced at James, who was staring at the phone and lost in thought. "You're not gonna pick it up?"

James grunted and said, "Why would I?!"

"Hey! Look, you're a grown man, you're not so petty that you would throw a tantrum at a woman, are you?"

"What the f*ck do you know! I'm keeping my word precisely because I am a grown man!"

Elizabeth held up the phone and pushed down the anxiety and uneasiness in her heart. She held her breath as she listened carefully for any sounds coming from the phone.

However, the phone continued ringing without anyone to pick it up. The ringing tone eventually ended on its own, which made Elizabeth sigh and put down the phone.


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