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I Only Want You novel Chapter 96

When Josephine Liang woke up, her head ached and her entire body felt sore and weak.

She put her hands to her head and massaged her painful forehead.

The light in the room was quite dim, with sheer curtains on the windows.

When her eyes finally adjusted to the darkish room and looked around, she realized that the interior design was that of a hotel, and not her bedroom at all.

"AH..." Josephine reflexively screamed out loud.

The events that happened while she was conscious abruptly flashed through her mind. Her blood froze and her entire body began trembling.

After James threatened her menacingly, he told the male waiter whom she had bribed to stay in the room, and the waiter began pervertedly feeling her up and down...

She pulled away the sheets with shaking hands — she wasn't wearing anything!


At that moment, the sound of someone washing their hands came from the bathroom.

Josephine gritted her teeth and pushed down the fear in her heart as she stared straight at the bathroom door. The sound of running water stopped, and then the door was opened from the inside.

"You're up?" The man looked at Josephine, who had already sat up, and asked calmly.

"Theodore!" Josephine was delighted when she saw who it was. Although she had been in the entertainment industry for years and was rather open- minded, there was no way in hell that she could accept sleeping with that waiter while she was unconscious.

Josephine felt completely relaxed and relieved when she saw Theodore Chao.

She had already recovered from the effects of the drug. Looked like Theodore had helped her...

Josephine was very happy with the man of her choice. He had descended from the sky to save her from great peril in her time of need. She was pleased with her great taste in men.

Thinking of this, she smiled even more happily. "I knew you would come and save me, Theodore! You have no idea how scared I was last night!" Her eyes grew cold as she said this. "That evil bastard James Lu, he treated me..."

"Josephine," Theodore walked to the door and turned on the lights. The room became bright as day in an instant. "How did you get into trouble with James Lu?"

"I..." Josephine was lost for words. Her expression changed a few times before she regained her composure. "What do you mean I got into trouble with him? I'm a busy person, okay? You think I would have the time to mess with him?" Theodore walked to the window and lit a cigarette for himself. After taking a few deep drags, he looked out of the window at the night view and the street lights. "Really? Then why did he tell me on the phone yesterday not to touch Elizabeth ever again?"

"Who... who knows what's wrong with him?" Josephine bit her lip. "Maybe Elizabeth Liang still wants revenge over us kicking her out, so she planted ideas in his mind?"

Theodore was exhausted. Not just in terms of his body, but also his heart.

Josephine had a heavy dose in her system, and practically squeezed the life out of Theodore last night. He was completely worn out by the time everything had finally calmed down, but he couldn't fall asleep. He called Elizabeth twice, but she didn't answer. He couldn't help but worry when he thought about the threats that James made on the phone.

Josephine had never gotten along with Elizabeth. Theodore wondered what she had done this time for James Lu to raise hell like this.

He made a few more calls today, but still no one answered. Then his phone died, and the telephone in the room was broken, so he had to give up. However, he was too concerned to leave Josephine here alone, so he had to wait here patiently until she woke up.

It was not until he turned on the TV and saw the news about President Lee that he figured everything out.

After a long pause, Theodore asked softly, "Is that so?" There was a tinge of disappointment and derision in his tone.

"Of course!"

Theodore rubbed the space between his eyebrows and said, "Fine, then what's with President Lee?"

"What President Lee?" Josephine acted confused.

After stubbing out his cigarette in the ashtray on the side, Theodore turned around and said, "Josephine, don't play dumb, and don't act like you don't know. Your mother had just mentioned the conditions under which President Lee would give your family a loan two days ago."

"I..." Josephine's face instantly drained of color.

"Josephine, I've told you this before, it would be nice to have that connection, but you shouldn't force it. Why won't you all listen to me? Are you happy with the consequences now?"

"Of course I am!" Josephine clenched her fists. "Don't you know how Elizabeth is always acting all lofty and superior? Even if James Lu used to like her type, now that she has slept with President Lee, who would care for a dirtied wh*re like her?"

This was Josephine's well-thought-out plan to kill two birds with one stone. By then, not only would James Lu throw her to the side, even Theodore would lose interest in her as well. She wouldn't have to worry about anything ever again. How wonderful!

"You..." Theodore stared incredulously at Josephine. "What happened to you?"

"What?" Josephine scoffed. "What's wrong with me?"

"Nevermind." Theodore shook his head with disappointment in his eyes. "I still want to remind you, that you shouldn't provoke James Lu. We can't afford to provoke someone as tough as he is. As for Elizabeth... she is still your sister..."

"What are you saying, Theodore?" Josephine angrily screamed when she heard him, "I was bullied and harassed, and instead of being on my side, you're defending that shameless woman Elizabeth Liang?! Do you know who is your fiancee right now?!"


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