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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 208

Chapter 208 

Old Mr. Landor glanced at Monica, then let out a cold snort, If you know you’re being nosy, then shut your mouth.” 

Monica, after all her talk, was dismissed with just that, looking somewhat wronged at Ben, Edie, you used me before, and I don’t blame you because you have a place in my heart. Whatever you asked of me, I was willing to do it. What I said today was truly out of consideration for you.” 

Susan looked at Ben expressionlessly

Ben felt a surge of panic and quickly said, Susan, I” 

Susan cut him off flatly, You shut up and stay put.” 

Ben immediately complied, falling silent

Monica was nearly bursting with anger

The man she idolized was being treated this way by Susan

She was about to say something when Carl couldn’t wait any longer

Since evening har 

made it clear to you, Susan, I want you to call the police right now and withdraw the appeal. Have the police station release your sister quickly,” Carl demanded loudly

I’ll count to three. If you don’t make the call, I’ll show you how I can die,” Jane threatened, picking up the bottle of pesticide

I’m with your mother!Carl also took hold of the pesticide

OneJane began to count, her voice shaking

Monica pretended to urge Susan, Susan, make the call quickly.” 

But secretly, she hoped Susan would remain stubborn

In that case, even if Susan had a million reasons, the tag of forcing her own parents to their deaths would be enough to crucify her reputation. Moreover, seeing Susan push her parents to such an extreme, Ben might also grow cold towards her

Bringing her parents in today, they were aiming to kill two birds with one stone

TwoJane continued the countdown

Susan’s face was expressionless


Chapter 208 

ThreeJane’s voice was shrill with desperation

Old Mr. Landor, fearing that they might actually do something drastic, was about to intervene

But Susan spoke up nonchalantly, Grandpa, let them do whatever they want. Parents like them, I’ve been disappointed with them for a long time. If they could just die, it would seem even God is helping me.” 

Susan’s Indifferent stance completely stunned the Millers

Holding the pesticide bottles, they looked at each other, motionless

Susan frowned, Wasn’t it until the count of three? Why aren’t you proceeding?” 

Susan! You’ll bring a curse upon yourself,Jane shouted

With parents like you, haven’t I already suffered enough curse?Susan’s face remained impassive

Youyou ungrateful daughter,” Carl trembled with anger, yet the pesticide remained untouched

Why haven’t you drunk it yet?Susan’s eyes narrowed, and then she had an epiphany, Or is it that the quality of this pesticide isn’t good enough, and you’re afraid you won’t die, only suffer?” 

Susan called a servant over and whispered something in his ear

The servant nodded and left

She announced to everyone, I told him to fetch the most potent herbicide we use. Mom, Dad, you might not know this, but ordinary pesticides might not be lethal. This one, however, guarantees death.” 

Soon, the pesticide was brought in

The servant gave a vivid description, Mrs. Landor, this pesticide is extremely toxic. Just a small sip is enough to be fatal. The most harrowing part is, it doesn’t kill immediately. Many who attempt suicide with it end up regretting it, wishing to live, but sadly, once ingested, death is certain. Mr. and Mrs. Miller can fully experience the sensation of their insides slowly decaying, their bodies crumbling before passing on. Then, you can hold hands on your perfect journey to the afterlife. How does that sound? The perfect departure.” 

Excellent,Susan said with apparent approval, glancing at the servant, Fill it up for Mr. and Mrs. Miller.” 

The servant took two small cups and poured a measure into each

Jane and Carl were nearly out of their minds

Susan, what are you doing?Jane panicked

Susan wore an innocent expression, I’m just assisting you with the pesticide. I’m waiting for you to drink it.” 


Chapter 208 

Carl raised his voice, Behaving this way, you’ll be despised by everyone.” 

Exactly. So, please hurry up and die, so I can continue to live my wealthy life as a pariah,” Susan nodded in agreement

Carl and Jane were speechless, each with a cup of pesticide thrust upon them

Why aren’t you drinking?Susan’s gaze turned icy

Jane started to show fear, Susan, actually” 

Don’t bother with excuses. If you die, I’ll bear the consequences. Go ahead on your journey with peace of mind,Susan said coldly

Susan, youCarl wanted to curse

Go on, pour it down their throats!Susan commanded arrogantly

The servants glanced at Ben

With a slight nod from Ben, they stepped forward, ready to make Carl and Jane drink the pesticide

At this moment, Carl and Jane were genuinely frightened

Before the servants could get any closer, they threw their cups to the ground

We’re not drinking this,Jane said, panicked

Yes, don’t come any closer,Carl shouted

Is that so? What a pity,Susan said calmly, signaling the servants to step back

Why wouldn’t her parents drink the pesticide

Monica, too, seemed disappointed but quickly turned her attention back to Susan, Susan, how can you force your own parents to drink pesticide? That’s murder.” 

Susan let out a light laugh, picked up a cup, and downed the socalled poison in one gulp

Everyone’s eyes widened in shock.. 


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