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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 209

Chapter 209 

Monica furrowed her brows, What are you talking about? If it were Ben, then of course I would…” 

Mr. Lynn sensed something was off and pulled Monica aside, signaling her to stop talking

Dad, what are you doing? I haven’t finished speaking,” Monica protested

Mr. Lynn clenched his teeth and asked directly, The person Yana stabbedwas it Ben?” 

How could that be!Monica exclaimed in a highpitched voice

Carl and Jane also paused, simultaneously turning to look at Ben and Susan, a flicker of unease crossing their faces

Thiscouldn’t be possible, could it

If Yana had injured Ben, then their insistence on Susan helping Yana in front of Charlie and Ben… 

Wouldn’t that seemridiculous

Under everyone’s watchful eyes, Ben casually nodded, Indeed, the person Yana stabbed was me. It was I who instructed Susan to call the police. If you think what I did was wrong, feel free to speak up.” 

Monica’s face froze

After a moment, she stood up abruptly, glaring at Carl and Jane, Your daughter dared to stab Ben! Forget about serving three years. Even if she were sentenced to death, she would deserve it!” 

Susan reminded her coolly, Ms. Lynn, you just said family is the most important. That person who didn’t matter, even if they were killed, I should help Yana.” 

That was before I knew, now that I’m aware, of courseMonica tried to backpedal with conviction

Mr. Lynn, embarrassed, pulled her up, Mr. Landor, today we didn’t understand the situation fully and ended up causing confusion. The ensuing matters are your family’s business, and we won’t interfere.” 

He began to pull Monica away

But Monica was reluctant to leave, Dad, why are you pulling me away? I still have things to say. Ben, I truly didn’t know she stabbed you, if I had known, I definitely would have” 

Mr. Lynn quickened his pace, dragging her away

Monica’s voice soon faded completely


Chapter 209 

Only then did Old Mr. Landor fully understand the sequence of events.. 

He looked at Ben with a hint of concern, Your wound?” 

It’s already healed,Ben quickly assured him

Old Mr. Landor nodded, recalling how Susan had been ushering Ben back to their room early these past days

He had thought it was just the affection of a young couple, and it had warmed his heart

But now, he realized Susan had been worried about Ben’s injury all along

Realizing that Ben had faced such a dangerous situation, anger surged within Old Mr. Landor

He turned to Carl and Jane with a frosty glare, Now, what do you two have to say for yourselves?” 

How could Yana hurt Ben…. 

Why did Yana on earth stab Ben

Carl was starting to cower

Jane pulled at him, her eyes full of unease, Carl?” 

No matter how grievous Yana’s mistake was, she was still their only daughter

Carl wavered, then finally, thickfaced, he ventured, Mr. Landor, look, you’re alright now, and Yana, she’s just young and naive. Maybe we could” 

You don’t need to plead with Ben,” Susan cut him off sharply. It’s me who insists on Yana being punished.“” 

Susan, how can you be so heartless!Carl exploded

Susan was about to retort when Ben squeezed her hand, Susan, they are still your parents. It wouldn’t hurt to give 

a little.” 

Ben!Susan was confused

Carl was suddenly elated, Mr. Landor is being reasonable.” 

Ben spoke up calmly, I’m willing to reach an outofcourt settlement with you. But, I have my conditions.” 

What conditions?Carl asked eagerly

Ben made a gesture

What does that mean?Carl was perplexed



Chapter 209 

Ben explained plainly, Twenty million dollars. I’ll agree to the settlement, and I assure you, there will be no further retribution for this matter.” 

Twenty million?Carl’s eyes widened dramatically

Carl!Jane looked at him expectantly

Carl struggled for a few minutes before nodding, Deal!” 

The Miller family’s assets weren’t abundant. Liquidating everything probably wouldn’t amount to twenty million 


But the circumstances had changed

Timothy was gone. He had no parents

Yana and the child she carried were his only heirs

Now, Yana had inherited everything from him

With Timothy’s wealth, coming up with twenty million dollars wasn’t too difficult

Thinking this way, Carl felt Ben’s condition was not too hard to accept

After Carl and Jane left, Susan turned to Ben, Why the sudden act of kindness?” 

Kind?Ben laughed, Not really.” 

Susan was puzzled

Ben began to explain

Yana is pregnant. Even though she’s been sentenced to three years, my injuries weren’t severe, so there’s actually a good chance she could get probation. The situation isn’t as dire as her parents imagined.” 

Susan nodded, half understanding, But with Timothy’s inheritance, twenty million dollars isn’t really a punishment

is it?” 

Ben shook his head, his smile conveying a hint of irony. Timothy didn’t leave behind that much cash.” 

FUGI Come?Susan 

was puzzled

Ben stroked Susan’s hair and said without any reservation, He was my rival in love. I investigated him thoroughly. About half a year ago, he set up a foundation and poured most of his income into charity. My estimate is that the cash he left behind is, at most, around two million dollars.” 


Chapter 209 

Susan was stunned

Ben raised an eyebrow. I think he was just too bored with life, filled with too much regret, and found something to pass the time. I thought he was a decent man because of his charity work, and I let my guard down a bit. I never expected him to do something like this in the end.” 

Recalling the incident, Ben couldn’t help but snort coldly

Susan fell silent for a while

The line between good and evil in a person is indeed hard to draw based on a single action

For the millions who benefited from Timothy’s help, he was a great man

But his final act was indeed too outrageous

Of course, it wasn’t Susan’s place to judge Timothy’s moral character


Now, the interesting part arrived

If Timothy’s inheritance was really just that little, how would Carl and Jane come up with such a large sum of money

Susan suddenly felt a bit eager to see what would happen next

Carl and Jane rushed out of the Landor family and straight to the police station, spurred on by Ben’s earlier call

This was the first time they saw their daughter since Yana had been detained

With limited time, Carl quickly explained Ben’s conditions to Yana and then had her write a power of attorney for them to receive the inheritance

Yana, driven mad by her confinement, agreed without hesitation

Once they had the power of attorney, Timothy’s lawyer arrived

Carl and Jane were dumbfounded

Jane couldn’t help but ask, Isis there some mistake? Is this all of Timothy’s estate?” 

According to the lawyer’s disclosure, besides the house he was currently living in, Timothy had sold off all his other real estate not long ago. As for his wealth, he had donated it all to the foundation, leaving himself with less than

million dollars in cash

Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. Leen is a noble person.The lawyer said seriously, He told me that 2 million dollars is 


Chapter 209 

enough to guarantee a higher efficiency. As for the rest, he doesn’t need it, but more people need it. Although the foundation under his name has only been established for half a year, it is now a super foundation second only to the Landor Group in private. You should be proud of him.” 


was stupefied. All that money, and Timothy had given it all to charity? Had he lost his mind

No, we’re not dealing with this foundation business anymore. Get the foundation’s money back for me, now,Carl demanded brashly

The lawyer shook his head and then showed him a document, Mr. Leen made it clear that only the foundation has access to its funds. Even he himself couldn’t use the money at will.” 

Carl’s face darkened as he read the clear print

He had thought that with Timothy’s inheritance, gathering twenty million dollars would be simple

But Timothy was a fool

How could he only leave behind so little money? How were they supposed to come up with twenty million dollars 



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