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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 226

Chapter 226 

You have two more minutes to decide.Thomas had lost all shame

Theresa was clearly shocked by his shamelessness

After a while, she gritted her teeth and said, Time and place.” 

Thomas, delighted, quickly told her the details

In the evening

Thomas arrived half an hour early and waited earnestly

Half an hour later, Theresa arrived, her face dark with anger

Speak, what is it?Theresa said coldly

Thomas couldn’t help but glance at her

What are you looking at, haven’t seen a beautiful woman before?Theresa said expressionlessly

Thomas cleared his throat. I’ve seen a few beautiful women. But I’ve never seen Miss Austin quite sounique. Your mother described you to my mother as gentle, considerate, introverted, and mild. After meeting a few timesI feel that your mother’s description was somewhat off. It seems I’ll need to check with her again after dinner 


Theresa’s expression went through several changes, then she spoke softly, Mr. Smith. It was all

misunderstanding just now. I apologize, I was in a bad mood because of work, and I shouldn’t have brought that to you. Can you forgive me?” 

Of course, I can. But, I have a condition,” Thomas said

Theresa immediately got angry. Thomas, don’t push your luck!” 

Thomas sighed deeply, Ah, I wonder what your mother would think if she knew that her obedient daughter actually has such a fiery temper.” 

Theresa was speechless

She took a deep breath and calmly said, What’s your condition? Tell me.” 

Thomas was inwardly pleased and quickly said, “It’s nothing big. I just wanted to ask, are you close with Susan?” 

It’s alright, Theresa cautiously replied


Chapter 226 

Could you please put in a good word for me with Susan?Thomas asked with a pained expression. I really had no Idea Allen would do something like this.” 

Theresa glanced at him, her voice growing colder. What, if Allen hadn’t done that, your actions would have been acceptable? Thomas, do I look desperate to you? I can say without exaggeration that if I wanted, men would line up just to pursue me.” 

Thomas looked at Theresa’s plain bangs and thick glasses, his face showing an indescribable expression. Miss Austin, l’admire your confidence.” 

Theresa was infuriated by his look. What, you don’t believe me?” 

Of course, I believe you,Thomas replied noncommittally

Theresa felt a sudden urge to smash something

She stood up abruptly. Mr. Smith, this conversation is going nowhere. I think it’s best we part ways here.” 

Wait,Thomas quickly asked, What about the favor I’m asking?” 

Theresa looked at him emotionlessly. I don’t agree.” 

Aren’t you afraid I’ll reveal your other side to your mother?Thomas frowned

Then go ahead,” Theresa said calmly, Susan is my friend. She only suffered this embarrassment because she accompanied me on a date. Why should I plead on your behalf, asking her to forgive you? If I did that, wouldn’t I be using my friendship to threaten her? I can’t do such a thing. I won’t ask for this favor. Do as you please.” 

With that, Theresa walked away

Thomas watched her leaving, slightly stunned

After a while, he murmured softly, She’s got principles, after all.” 

Truth be told, when he first met Theresa, he didn’t have much of an impression of her

She seemed utterly uninteresting from start to finish

The second time they met, he was too preoccupied with being shocked

This time, he felt like he finally saw a glimpse of Theresa’s true character

How to put it… 

Compared to Monica’s naive and delicate demeanor, Theresa’s personality was rather striking

But now, there was a problem



Chapter 226 

Theresa refused to plead on his behalf

He couldn’t actually go tattling, could he

What would that make him

In the evening, Thomas returned home with a worried look

Mrs. Smith, pretending to be busy with housework, casually asked, What’s wrong? Didn’t the date go well?” 

It was okay.Thomas replied nonchalantly

The girl didn’t like you?Mrs. Smith inquired

Seems like it,” Thomas continued, looking dejected

Good, that’s great,Mrs. Smith suddenly got excited

Thomas looked at her in shock, Good?” 

Mrs. Smith grew even more enthusiastic. Of course it’s good! If the girl doesn’t like you and it hurts, it means you really liked her, Son, your taste finally matches your mother’s. Let me tell you, this Theresa is a really good girl. Highly educated, gentle, kindhearted, and has the demeanor of someone who knows how to live a solid life. She’s exactly the kind of person you should marry.” 

Thomas was speechless

Gentle and kindhearted

He wished his mother could see how fiercely Theresa could argue

Mistaking his silence for agreement, Mrs. Smith quickly put down the cloth and started giving advice. Son, don’t worry. Theresa is a sincere girl; she probably didn’t like your flashy appearance. Next time, listen to your mother, wear something more modest like a suit, read a few classic literature books in advance, and have a proper 

conversation with her.” 

Mom, that’s not necessary, Thomas struggled to respond

Why is it not necessary?Mrs. Smith became anxious. You should listen to the wisdom of the elders, or you’ll regret it.” 


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