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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 227

Chapter 227 

The next day

At the Smithshouse

Theresa arrived wearing a white dress, looking demure and graceful

Mrs. Smith, this is a gift for you.Theresa offered a present proactively

Mrs. Smith immediately beamed with joy. Theresa, your visit is gift enough. Why bring something extra?” 

Theresa spoke gently. It’s proper etiquette to bring a gift when visiting elders.” 

Mrs. Smith’s smile grew even wider

Thomas watched Theresa’s ladylike demeanor and couldn’t help but marvel

Women, indeed, are the most changeable creatures in the world.He thought

Theresa, come, have a chat with Thomas. I’ll go and cook a few more dishes,Mrs. Smith said cheerfully

I can help, Mrs. Smith.” Theresa quickly offered

But Mrs. Smith firmly seated her on the sofa. We can’t have a guest helping

Then, giving Thomas a stern look, she said, Aren’t you going to take good care of Theresa?” 

Thomas had no choice but to engage Theresa in conversation, serving her coffee and water

Seeing this, Mrs. Smith went to the kitchen with satisfaction

Once Mrs. Smith left for the kitchen, Thomas slumped onto the sofa, relieved

Theresa’s demeanor changed instantly from her previous gentleness

She looked at Thomas coldly. Thomas, you’re quite something.” 

Thanks for the compliment, Thomas replied

Theresa narrowed her eyes. Let me tell you, next time you have something, come directly to me, not my mother.” 

Thomas, that scoundrel, had invited her for dinner, not by asking her directly, but by calling her mother instead

When Mrs. Austin heard that they had progressed to meeting the parents, she was overjoyed and sent Theresa out the door without even asking for her consent


Chapter 227 

Theresa knew that Thomas, the rascal, did it on purpose

Would you have agreed to come to my house if I had asked you directly?Thomas inquired

No!Theresa replied without hesitation

That’s exactly my point.Thomas shrugged

Theresa felt like hitting him again

Seeing her expression, Thomas realized he might have spoken out of turn again. He cleared his throat and said, Miss Austin, honestly, I didn’t mean to offend you. On the contrary, inviting you over was an attempt to mend our relationship.” 

Oh?Theresa looked at him mockingly

I admit I was wrong about what happened before. I apologize,Thomas said sincerely. Please believe me, I had no ill intentions. I’m just not ready for a relationship right now, and I really don’t want to waste your time.” 

Waste my time?Theresa glanced at him disdainfully. Don’t worry, you couldn’t even if you tried.” 

Thomas was speechless

He took a deep breath, trying to change the subject

Miss Austin, you like classic literature. Who’s your favorite author?” 

Theresa gave him a look, Are you sure you want to discuss this with me? I advise against embarrassing yourself.” 

Thomas was speechless again

Alright, discussing this might indeed be embarrassing for him

After all, she was about to become a doctor of literature

Thomas tried another topic. Do you like skincare? I know a few skincare tips. How about we share some?” 

Theresa replied indifferently, There are several pimples on your face.” 

Thomas touched his face, surprised. She was right

Theresa sneered. With skin like yours, you think you’re in a position to discuss skincare with me?” 

Thomas felt a bit defiant but then he looked at Theresa’s face

Aside from her slightly outdated style, her skin was indeed impeccably smooth and hydrated

Chapter 227 

After a moment, Thomas blurted out, Do youplay games?” 

For example?Theresa asked

For example, Path of Quest?Thomas suggested

Theresa was momentarily taken aback

Path of Quest

That was the online game she had been playing

Of course, she hadn’t opened that client in a long time

Partly because she had become engrossed in Starry Romance

And partly…. 

Because the person she wanted to meet was no longer in the game

Thinking of that person, Theresa’s eyes lowered, and a dull ache suddenly throbbed in her heart

She slowly said, I don’t play it.” 

Would you be interested?Thomas pressed

It’s okay,Theresa cautiously replied

How about we play 

together?Thomas sugest 

After a moment of silence, Theresa agreed, Alright.” 

Thomas breathed a sigh of relief, finally finding a common topic

He quickly led Theresa to the study

There, he set up two computers and logged into the game client

You probably don’t have an account for this game, do you? I’ve registered many. I can lend your one.Thomas 

offered generously as he logged in for Theresa

Then, he logged into his own account

The most interesting part of this game is the PvP mode. Do you know PvP? It’s player versus player combat,Thomas explained

Theresa nodded, her thoughts wandering


Chapter 227 

Theresa knew that Thomas, the rascal, did it on purpose

Would you have agreed to come to my house if I had asked you directly?Thomas inquired

No!Theresa replied without hesitation

That’s exactly my point.Thomas shrugged

Theresa felt like hitting him again

Seeing her expression, Thomas realized he might have spoken out of turn again. He cleared his throat and said, Miss Austin, honestly, I didn’t mean to offend you. On the contrary, inviting you over was an attempt to mend our relationship.” 

Oh?Theresa looked at him mockingly

I admit I was wrong about what happened before. I apologize, Thomas said sincerely. Please believe me, I had no ill intentions. I’m just not ready for a relationship right now, and I really don’t want to waste your time.” 

Waste my time?Theresa glanced at him disdainfully. Don’t worry, you couldn’t even if you tried.” 

Thomas was speechless

He took a deep breath, trying to change the subject

Miss Austin, you like classic literature. Who’s your favorite author?” 

Theresa gave him a look, Are you sure you want to discuss this with me? I advise against embarrassing yourself.” 

Thomas was speechless again

Alright, discussing this might indeed be embarrassing for him

After all, she was about to become a doctor of literature

Thomas tried another topic. Do you like skincare? I know a few skincare tips. How about we share some?” 

Theresa replied indifferently, There are several pimples on your face.” 

Thomas touched his face, surprised. She was right

Theresa sneered. With skin like yours, you think you’re in a position to discuss skincare with me?” 

Thomas felt a bit defiant but then he looked at Theresa’s face

Aside from her slightly outdated style, her skin was indeed impeccably smooth and hydrated


Chapter 227 

After a moment, Thomas blurted out, Do youplay games?” 

For example?Theresa asked

For example, Path of Quest?Thomas suggested

Theresa was momentarily taken aback

Path of Quest

That was the online game she had been playing

Of course, she hadn’t opened that client in a long time

Partly because she had become engrossed in Starry Romance

And partly… 

Because the person she wanted to meet was no longer in the game

Thinking of that person, Theresa’s eyes lowered, and a dull ache suddenly throbbed in her heart

She slowly said, I don’t play it.” 

Would you be interested?Thomas pressed

It’s okay,Theresa cautiously replied

How about we play together?Thomas suggested

After a moment of silence, Theresa agreed, Alright.” 

Thomas breathed a sigh of relief, finally finding a common topic

He quickly led Theresa to the study

There, he set up two computers and logged into the game client

You probably don’t have an account for this game, do you? I’ve registered many. I can lend your one.Thomas offered generously as he logged in for Theresa

Then, he logged into his own account

The most interesting part of this game is the PvP mode. Do you know PvP? It’s player versus player combat,Thomas explained

Theresa nodded, her thoughts wandering


Chapter 227 

When I was dominating the game, you were probably still a newbie.” 

Girls usually like the healer roles, right? You can use my Priest account. The skills are pretty and not too violent.Thomas enthusiastically recommended

Theresa casually agreed

Then, Thomas picked a Rogue account for himself and said, To let you enjoy the game, how about we have a PvP match

Theresa glanced at Thomas

This man was becoming increasingly shameless

A Rogue against a Priest in a PvP match

Did he have no sense of fair play

Thomas, however, had his own little strategy in mind

He planned to overwhelm Theresa in a few rounds, and then, when she was frustrated, offer to help her improve as 

an expert

If Theresa developed an interest in the game, she would surely agree

This way, he could further bridge their relationship

Give me a moment to familiarize myself with the skills,Theresa said

Sure. Take your time. I’m in no rush,Thomas said generously

Theresa narrowed her eyes, deciding to give Thomas an unforgettable experience

Usually, a Priest stood little chance against a Rogue

But was she just an ordinary player

Theresa swiftly adjusted her game equipment and then planted her flag in front of Thomas

She was full of fighting spirit

Thomas hurriedly planted his flag too

The PvP began

Thomas’s Rogue quickly went into stealth mode and began to approach Theresa’s Priest


Chapter 227 

He didn’t take this match seriously, considering it a walkover

But just as he was about to attack, suddenly, the Priest cast a light bomb, revealing his location

Thomas was startled

But he thought it must be a coincidence

After all, it was just a Priest, stealth wasn’t necessary

Thomas directly charged in with his character

However, as soon as he attacked, a light shield appeared around the Priest

This shield had only one effect: to reflect damage

It would disappear after one reflection

At this point, Thomas still had most of his health, so he continued attacking

Yet Theresa’s movements were smooth and elusive, and Thomas’s Rogue couldn’t land a hit on her back

For Rogues, attacking from behind provided a damage bonus, frontal attacks were significantly weaker

Theresa, while dodging, continuously healed herself, maintaining a healthy health bar

Gradually, Thomas started to become impatient

He decided to use his special move, Shadow Dance

The Rogue split into five clones, all charging at the Priest

The Priest, cool and collected, sent out light orbs one after the other, steadily draining the Rogue’s health

But the Rogue quickly reached her

Swinging his dagger fiercely, the Rogue made a vicious stab

The Priest calmly healed herself back to full health

Then, as the Rogue’s dagger struck, the Priest’s health dropped by half, but the rogue’s health plummeted to nearly 


Theresa said calmly, I win.” 

Thomas was dumbfounded, staring at Theresa. How is your reflective damage so high?” 


Chapter 227 

Theresa replied, Oh, I switched all my equipment to ones that reflect damage,” 

Thomas, This doesn’t count. Priests have an advantage over Rogues.” 

Theresa looked at Thomas with a halfsmile. Oh?” 

Thomas nodded. Yes, that’s right, let’s switch accounts.” 

This time, Theresa was the Rogue, and Thomas chose a Warrior, the class best suited to counter rogues

However, this time, Thomas met an even worse fate

A minute later, the body of the Warrior lay lifelessly on the ground

Does this count?” Theresa asked

It counts,Thomas gritted his teeth. But this time, I didn’t perform well. Let’s switch accounts again.” 

Theresa nodded nonchalantly

So, for the next half hour, Thomas was repeatedly defeated by Theresa in various styles

Do you want to continue playing?Theresa asked

Thomas hesitated for a moment, then declared, Yes! I have one last account, the Swordsman! If I lose with this 

one, then I have nothing more to say.” 

A Swordsman

Theresa paused for a moment

Her main account was also a Swordsman

Light’s account was a Swordsman too

In fact, she had personally trained that Swordsman account

Remembering the person who might never log in again made Theresa’s mood sink

“How is it?Thomas raised his eyebrows


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