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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 232

Chapter 232 

In the world of film, investment is always welcomed

To strengthen his bond with Susan, Eason discreetly approached Mr. Witt to make an additional investment

The director, surprised and delighted to find someone other than Susan willing to believe in his vision, happily accepted

Seizing the opportunity, Eason suggested participating in the film’s kickoff ceremony, to which Mr. Witt readily agreed

On the day of the ceremony, Eason woke up early and began grooming himself meticulously

First, he donned a suit, but upon looking in the mirror, he wondered if it was too formal. Might it intimidate Susan

Switching to casual attire, he then grappled with whether it appeared too informal

Was their 

After all, if Susan really was his sister, this first formal meeting, and he couldn’t afford to take it lightly

He wanted to make a great impression

Eason tried on outfit after outfit, even consulting several professional stylists for their opinions

Running out of time, he finally settled on a smartcasual sult

Mr. Nicholas, the car is ready,” his driver announced respectfully

Just as Eason was about to leave, he remembered something and hurried back to grab a bottle of men’s cologne, spraying it generously over himself

After a quick revisit to the bathroom for a toothbrushing and a spritz of mouth freshener, he ensured he smelled pleasant from head to toe before heading out

Eason finally relaxed, telling himself, This time, it should be perfect!” 

He took a deep breath, stood tall, and walked out with confidence

His last encounter with Susan at the amusement park had been too casual, without any careful preparation, and he had met her unexpectedly

He wondered what impression he had left on Susan

Fortunately, time was on his side, and he had plenty of opportunities to slowly build a connection with her

In the car, the driver, curious about Tang’s constant mirrorchecking, couldn’t resist asking, Mr. Nicholas, are you 

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going to meet your love?” 

My love? It’s much more important than that,” Tang replied, his gaze softening

He had searched for many who he thought might be his sister, but most of the time, he knew right away they weren’t her

Although there were some physical resemblances, something always told him they weren’t his sister

That’s why he didn’t rush to meet Susan initially

He feared the disappointment


However, their unexpected meeting a few days ago had left Eason feeling not only hopeful but extremely eager

Even without a blood test, something deep inside him insisted. It’s her; it must be her.” 

Calm down. Stay calm.Eason silently urged himself, taking deep breaths to settle his nerves

An hour later, his car arrived at the filming location, set in a secluded area in the mountains

Eason arrived two hours earlier than the appointed time

When he got there, apart from the crew, no one else had arrived yet

Mr. Witt was surprised to see Eason arriving early

Mr. Nicholas, why are you here so early?he asked

Eason, with a tense back and forced composure, replied, I’ve never witnessed a commencement ceremony before and was curious, so I arrived a bit early. I hope that’s not a problem, Mr. Witt?” 

Not at all, not at all,” Mr. Witt reassured quickly. It’s just that we’re still setting up props, so we might not be able to attend to you right away.” 

That’s fine, I’ll just look around,Eason said, then found a spot to sit

He sat with a furrowed brow, giving off a do not disturbvibe

Crew members passing by tread lightly, careful not to speak too loudly around him

Eason’s lips moved slightly, as if muttering to himself

This prompted curiosity among some, What do you think Mr. Nicholas is mumbling about?” 

Given his serious demeanor, it must be something businessrelated,” one suggested

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It’s definitely a big business deal,another added

I don’t think it’s about business. He looks more like a young guy nervously waiting for a date.” 


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How could that be? With Mr. Nicholas’s status, why would he need to be nervous about meeting any woman?” 

As the animated discussion about Eason continued, he was engrossed in his own world, nervously muttering to 


If anyone had come close enough, they would have heard his frantic whispers

What should I say first?” 


Is that too casual?” 

Maybe, Hello, beautiful lady?” 

That sounds a bit too forward.” 

Should I walk up to her right away?” 

Do I shake her hand?” 

Torn by indecision, Eason’s inner debate became audible

Time slowly passed as he waited anxiously, lost in his thoughts

Theresa and Susan arrived about half an hour early, hand in hand

Here they came


Upon seeing them, Eason suddenly stood up, his movement so abrupt that he knocked over his chair with a loud 


This sudden noise drew everyone’s attention, including Susan’s

She looked at him in surprise, recognizing him from their encounter at the amusement park. Youyou’re the guy 

from the amusement park that day, right?she asked

Yes, Ms. Miller, Eason replied, attempting a gentle smile. I told you we would meet again.” 

Do you two know each other?Theresa inquired, looking curiously between Susan and Eason

Susan shook her head. No, not really. We just bumped into each other at the amusement park once.” 

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Eason’s gaze softened as he said, That’s what I meant by us having a connection.” 

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Theresa chuckled and whispered to Susan, Is he another one of your admirers? Your jealous husband is going to 

have a fit.” 

It’s not like that.Susan whispered back. He doesn’t seem that type

Oddly enough, Susan felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity towards Eason, unlike her immediate dislike for people like Allen

Despite Eason’s odd behavior, she never thought of him as a frivolous person

After Theresa and Susan finished their private conversation, Eason, visibly more nervous. 

Eason couldn’t help but wonder what Susan and Theresa were discussing

His mind raced with questions, Were they talking about me

What did Susan think of me?” 

After the two women finished their conversation, Eason, nervously, invited them. You both must be tired, right? Why don’t you sit down for a while?” 

Susan hesitated slightly

Theresa cheerfully took Susan’s hand and said, Sure, let’s sit.” 

She then promptly sat between Eason and Susan

Eason was speechless

He had hoped for some private conversation with Susan

May I know how to address you, sir?Theresa asked Eason with a smile

Eason, feeling a bit downcast, soon adjusted his mood and warmly Introduced himself. My name is Eason Nicholas. I’m from Tonico, 33 years old and currently single. I’ve come to Coraland to expand my business 


Theresa blinked, amused, Mr. Nicholas, I didn’t ask for all that information.” 

Eason stiffened, slightly embarrassed. OhI’m sorry, I was a bit nervous.” 

Theresa, playfully gripping Susan’s hand, asked, Susan, between Mr. Nicholas here and your husband Mr. Landor, who do you think is more handsome?” 

Theresa’s question was a subtle reminder to Eason that Susan was already married

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