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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 233

Chapter 233 

The opening ceremony of the film was quite straightforward

Mr. Witt had arranged a beautifully decorated stage with a red ribbon stretched across the front. The lead actress and the lead actor stood at the forefront, each holding a pair of golden scissors 

With a brief speech from Mr. Witt, emphasizing the significance of the project and the hard work ahead, the moment everyone had been waiting for arrived. As the director finished his words, he invited the lead actor and actress to cut the ribbon. The air buzzed with applause and camera flashes as the scissors sliced through the ribbon, symbolizing the official start of the film’s production

Despite the film’s substantial investment, it featured only two main actors, and about 90% of the film revolved around these two characters

The lead actress was Theresa, and the lead actor was a wellknown, skilled actor

For an auspicious start, the director chose relatively simple scenes to film on the first day

After that, the crew planned to travel to the other side of the world to shoot winter scenes, fitting the movie’s title, Love in Bitter Winter, which primarily takes place during a snowy winter

Mr. Witt was getting ready to start shooting, and Eason sat nervously next to Susan

This time, without Theresa interfering, he finally had the chance to talk to Susan properly

Eason, stiff and somewhat stuttering, initiated the conversation. Ms. Miller” 

Susan felt slightly uncomfortable

It wasn’t clear what Eason’s intentions were

He didn’t seem to be flirting, yet he persistently tried to engage her in conversation

Mr. Nicholas,Susan decided to be straightforward, If there’s something you want to know from me, you can just ask directly. I’ll answer what I can and want to.” 

Eason, awkwardly smiling, responded. II just genuinely want to get to know. 


you better.” 

Why?Susan asked sincerely. You must know I’m married, and you don’t seem like the type to act inappropriately.” 

Eason quickly waved his hands in denial. I absolutely don’t mean it that way!” 

Regardless of whether Susan was his biological sister or not, Eason couldn’t imagine having such twisted feelings given their similar appearance to his mother


Chapter 233 

What do you mean by that?Susan asked, looking at him quizzically

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Eason cleared his throat and explained, I just feel a sense of kinship with you, Ms. Miller. It’s like you’re a relative. to me. That’s why I couldn’t help but be a bit more concerned about you.” 

If someone else had said this, Susan might have found it awkward

But coming from Eason, she somehow felt it was sincere

She softened her demeanor and said warmly, Mr. Nicholas, thank you for your concern. I’m doing well now, so you 

don’t need to worry.” 

Susan’s relaxed expression and cheerful demeanor indeed conveyed that she was doing well

Eason felt somewhat relieved, That’s good to hear.” 

Susan smiled and turned her attention back to the film set, remaining silent

The filming for the day was straightforward

It involved a scene where Theresa, playing the lead character Alice, finds an ancient diary in an old house in the 


As Theresa was about to open the diary, suddenly, light seemed to seep into the room

The set was arranged to depict a nighttime scene, so this unexpected light puzzled Alice

Why is it getting light already?Alice wondered

Stepping outside, she discovered that the dark night had indeed given way to the early dawn

There, in tattered clothes, stood the male lead, portrayed by a renowned actor

Alice was puzzled

The character, Levi, joyously exclaimed upon seeing Alice, A person, a real person, I’ve finally seen someone!” 

This statement left Alice confused and slightly irritated

After a brief exchange, Levi revealed to Autumn a startling truth, the world had undergone a bizarre transformation a month ago

In the film’s world, everyone had mysteriously vanished

Levi wandered everywhere only to find that besides himself, Alice was the only other human left

Naturally, Alice didn’t believe him and thought Levi was a fraud

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Chapter 233 

The first act ended with Alice’s skepticism

Susan, having read the script, knew what was to come. Levi would take Alice down to the city to prove his claim

However, what awaited them was a desolate city

No electricity, no light, and no people

The food in the stores gave off a rotten smell

The streets were littered with unattended cars that had crashed into each other due to the sudden disappearance 

of their drivers

They even came across a crashed airplane

Most of the budget Susan had provided was spent on creating these realistic and haunting scenes

Confronted with all this evidence, Alice had no choice but to accept the grim reality it was likely just her and Levi 

left in the world

Their situation, although they hadn’t disappeared, was dire 

No water, no electricity, and while food was readily available, Levi explained that with half a year passed since 

humanity’s disappearance, most of it was either rotten or past its expiration date

Eating expired food was not an option. Getting sick meant no chance of survival without anyone to help

In this backdrop, Alice and Levi began to rely on each other for survival

They initially managed well despite the odds until winter came

The earth underwent bizarre changes, bringing extremely cold weather and terrifying meteorological phenomena

The story unfolded in these harsh conditions

Susan, familiar with the script’s ending, couldn’t help but feel a sense of melancholy

Lost in her thoughts, tears began to well up in her eyes as she reflected on the story’s conclusion

Eason noticed Susan’s somber expression and quickly became concerned. Ms. Miller, what’s wrong? Are your feeling unwell?” 

Susan, regaining her composure, replied somewhat awkwardly, It’s nothing, I was just thinking about some later scenes in the script. They’re quite moving.” 


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