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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 249

Chapter 249 

In Snowstock, at the hotel

Ben had just finished a meeting, and Theresa’s leg was almost fully healed

Back in Anaville, a pile of matters awaited Ben’s personal touch

So, Ben and Susan decided to head back to Anaville

Your leg is nearly better, but you still need to be careful. I’ve spoken to Mr. Witt that we’ll shoot the milder scenes first. The more intense ones can wait,” Susan said, her concern evident as she held Theresa’s hand

Theresa felt a warmth in her heart and replied with a smile. Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.” 

Susan nodded but her brow was still furrowed with worry

The life of an actor is both glamorous and grueling

Especially for newcomers like Theresa, who aim to become skilled performers, the effort required is often much more than the average person

this was T But this was Theresa’s own path, and as her friend, all Susan could do was silently wish her success

With their farewells said, Ben and Susan left

After seeing them off, Theresa turned around, intending to return to the set

Thomas called out to her, Aren’t you going to ask why I’m not leaving with them?” 

Theresa paused midstep, looked back at him, and said indifferently, Why should I ask a stranger?” 

With that, she walked away

Thomas’s hand unconsciously balled into a fist

A strangerthat’s all

A wry smile crossed Thomas’s face as he realized what it meant to be hoist by his own petard, to reap what one 


After a moment of silence, he followed her anyway

Back on the set, Mr. Witt was making the final adjustments to the equipment

During Theresa’s rest, he had shot some solo scenes with the male lead. Now that Theresa was back, they could resume normal shooting

J & M

Chapter 249 

But given that Theresa’s foot injury hadn’t fully healed

Mr. Witt decided to start with some tender scenes

Outside, the snow was falling heavily

After a series of trials and tribulations, the leads finally found an isolated villa with a generator

The male lead pulled out all the stops and managed to start the generator

There wasn’t much fuel left in the villa, and even with the generator running, they couldn’t afford to waste electricity

To save power, they holed up in the smallest room, turning on the heater only there

The room was cramped

Outside, the snowstorm raged, but inside, a rare warmth enveloped them

The male and female leads, after a long and bumpy journey, started to let their guards down

Here, they engaged in an honest conversation, softening the tension between them.. 

The scene in the room was meant to be cozy and a bit playful, a welcome change from the harshness of the outdoor scenes. It was also designed to accommodate Theresa’s recent injury. 

Mr. Witt spent the entire day focusing on the indoor scenes

As evening approached, another crucial

was set to take place inside the room

Before the shooting started

Mr. Witt gathered the two actors, earnestly explaining the scene

At this point, both characters have developed feelings for each other, but neither dares to admit it. And now, the oil in the generator is running out. Without heating, the cold is unbearable. The male lead, Levi, decides to risk finding more oil, but the female lead, Alice, is worried and forbids him from going. She hugs him from behind. You need to really feel that restrained emotion between them. Now, you two go off to the side and talk, to build up that 


Don’t worry, Mr. Witt,” Henri immediately responded with confidence. Developing feelings with a beautiful woman like Rose will be a piece of cake.” 

Theresa felt a bit uncomfortable with his words, but she reasoned that Henri was only saying it for the sake of the film. She thought she might be overthinking it, so she just smiled and said nothing

Rose, let’s find a small room for just the two of us. We can talk and chat,Henri said in a lowered voice, his words 

Chapter 249 

seemingly carrying a different implication, or perhaps not

Theresa took it as his commitment to the film and nodded in agreement

So, the two of them went off alone to build rapport

Thomas watched from the side, a bitter taste of jealousy rising within him

His heart was in turmoil, itching to pull Theresa back to him

But he had no right, no standing to do so

Thomas could only sit there, eyes fixed on the closed door, powerless

Cultivate a relationship

Just the two of them, alone in a small room

What kind of relationship were they supposed to build

Could it be… 

Thomas’s mind was awash with countless guesses, feeling on the verge of madness

Thankfully, after five minutes

Henri and Theresa emerged from the room

Thomas quickly glanced over

Henri looked pleased as punch

But Theresa wore a somber expression, seemingly not too happy

What on earth had happened

Can you shoot in this state?Mr. Witt asked, frowning

Mr. Witt, rest assured, we’re in top form,Henri quickly said

Mr. Witt looked dubiously at Theresa’s expression. Rose, you good?” 

No problem.Theresa took a deep breath and nodded

She reminded herself that she should keep the drama on stage separate from real life and not let outside issues affect her performance

Chapter 249 

Seeing that both leads were ready, Mr. Witt nodded. Okay, let’s get started.” 

Henri and Theresa then entered the filming room

After filming began

Henri, sticking to the script, made a determined face, deciding to go out in search of engine oil

Alice remained silent, not uttering a word

As Henri turned to leave


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