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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 250

Chapter 250 

At night

Theresa was alone in her room, silently poring over the script

She truly adored the script of Love in Bitter Winter

For this script, she had poured her heart and soul into it

No matter what, she needed to shake off her mood and strive to do justice to the film

Theresa tried to block out the offstage distractions and focus all her energy on the work itself

At this moment.. 

A knock on the door broke the silence

Theresa walked over and opened the door

Then, she saw Henri standing at the door

Her face darkened, and she moved to close the door

But Henri, smiling, blocked the door and said, You seemed a bit off during filming, didn’t you?” 

Theresa pursed her lips. Why do you think my performance suffered, don’t you know?” 

At that time, they had entered the room

Henri had suddenly tried to kiss her

It took all her strength to push him away

Then, he acted as if nothing happened when they emerged

This was Theresa’s first brush with such behavior, and naturally, it threw her off balance

Later, when the filming started

Alice was supposed to have developed feelings with Levi

But after witnessing such a side of Henri

Theresa simply couldn’t convince herself to get back into character

That led to the series of cuts that evening


Chapter 250 

Now, here was Henri, shamelessly bringing up the subject, and Theresa felt a surge of anger, almost to the point of wanting to strike him

Henri greeted Theresa with a gentle smile. Rose, you’ve got it all wrong. I didn’t expect such a strong reaction from you. But truly, I had no III Intentions. You’ve read the script, right? in the scene we were shooting tonight, our characters share a kiss. As a newcomer, you might be fine most of the time, but kissing scenes can trip you up. So, I was just trying to give you some practice beforehand. There was no other meaning behind it.” 

Theresa frowned. You didn’t look like you were just practicing.” 

We only had five minutes, I was in a hurry, that’s why I jumped right in. But when you resisted, I didn’t force you, did 1?Henri explained, You’re new to acting, so you might not understand. We actors, we have to be willing to dedicate ourselves to the craft. The quickest way to get into character for a romantic scene is just that. It’s my fault too, I forgot you’re a newcomer and not familiar with these things. Next time, I’ll discuss it with you in 


Theresa began to waver. Is that so?” 

Yes.Henri nodded earnestly. You know the reputation I’ve built through the many films I’ve done. Everything I do is to better showcase the script, with absolutely no personal agenda.” 

Henri presented himself as a paragon of righteousness

Theresa started to doubt her own judgment

Could it be that she had overreacted

Maybe in show business, this approach was actually quite normal

Hesitating, Theresa said, Then perhaps I misunderstood.” 

It’s also my fault for not considering your feelings,” Henri said apologetically. Here’s what I’ll do. To show how sorry I am, let me help you go over the script.” 

Thank you.Theresa shook her head. But that’s not necessary. I can study it myself.” 

I’m helping you and also helping myself. After all, a smoother shoot benefits us both, doesn’t it?Henri said

Theresa pursed her lips

Mr. Witt suggested I help you with it,Henri said

Theresa hesitated, then stepped aside. In that case, I’ll take you up on your offer.” 

Henri’s smile was almost imperceptible as he eagerly stepped inside

Initially, Theresa was very guarded around Henri


Chapter 250 

But once inside, Henri didn’t show any odd behavior

He sat down and was all business

Come on, bring out the script, and let’s go over it together,Henri said as he took out his own copy

Seeing him with his own script, Theresa felt somewhat reassured

They took out their scripts and began to discuss earnestly

Henri’s reputation as a top actor was welldeserved

With the same script, Henri could tease out more details, more layers of meaning

After an hour of discussion, Theresa’s view of him had completely changed

She had only one thought

That’s the magic of a true movie star

His understanding of the script was indeed much deeper than hers

Looks like we’ve about covered everything for tomorrow’s scene,” Henri said, his voice warm and comforting. Do you have any other questions or need further assistance?” 

By now, Theresa’s heart had softened, and she felt perhaps she had overreacted earlier that day

Henri had even taken the time to rehearse with her, demonstrating a truly supportive nature

No more questions, thank you so much, senior, Theresa said with genuine gratitude

Don’t mention it,” Henri replied with a smile. As long as tomorrow’s shoot goes smoothly, it’s all worth it.” 

Henri’s words were too noble

Theresa couldn’t help but feel touched

Well, in order to wish us a smooth shooting tomorrow, I think the hotel provides red wine. Why don’t we have a drink to celebrate? Henri suddenly proposed


Theresa hesitated

But she figured that since the misunderstanding had been cleared up, a little celebration wouldn’t hurt

Besides, the wine was from her room, so there shouldn’t be any issues


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