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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 259

Chapter 259 

After a long moment

Judith gently put away the bracelet, her eyes softer as she looked at Yana

The bracelet was right

In that case, Yana was more likely to be her biological daughter

I still find it incredible when I think about it.Carl began to recount the story of how they found Yana

I was just a poor young man back then. I had to go to Burg to buy some goods. Jane was pregnant and about to give birth, but she insisted on coming with me because she was scared to be alone. I also didn’t want to leave her alone, so I took her with me.” 

Carl had a nostalgic look in his eyes. I remember it was summer. That year’s summer was particularly hot, like the sun was trying to roast us alive.” 

Judith nodded vigorously. Yes, yes, it was extremely hot that year!” 

Carl said, After I finished buying the goods and was about to drive off, Jane stopped me, saying she thought she saw a baby on the road. I thought she was joking. How could there be a baby on the road? But Jane insisted, so I got out of the car to check, and to my surprise, there really was a baby.” 

Carl shuddered at the memory. Thank goodness for Jane’s sharp eyes. If I hadn’t listened to her and just drove off, things could have been disastrous.” 

Judith listened with bated breath, silently praying

We found it was a baby girl, wrapped in a tattered cloth, with this silver bracelet thrown beside her. At that time, Jane and I thought she was abandoned by some family who preferred boys. Out of compassion, we took the baby home. Soon after, Jane gave birth to a girl in Anaville. I didn’t want the first child to know she was found, so I arranged for them to be registered as twins. I treated them both as my daughters,Carl said, smiling

Dad.” Yana called out, moved

Fine,Carl said affectionately, patting her head. “All I want in this life is for you and your sister to be well.” 


Chapter 259 

Yana nodded tearfully

The scene was quite touching

Judith’s eyes reddened with emotion

Alexander was moved too, but he still had some doubts. Could you tell us exactly when and where you found Yana? And the bracelet was just thrown beside her?” 

Alexander seemed to be questioning their story

Carl tensed up and quickly said, It was right next to the Appolis Hospital, on a small road. I remember the date clearly. It was August 17th.” 

Judith quickly said, Yes, August 17th! That’s the day I gave birth at Appolis Hospital. Maybe someone stole the baby and then got nervous and abandoned her near the hospital.” 

Possibly,Carl said. As for the bracelet, maybe the person thought it wasn’t valuable, or they feared being traced through it, so they just threw it away?” 

That’s possible.Alexander nodded, But I still feel” 

He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off with Carl’s story

Alexander was about to say something more

Yana abruptly stood up, her gaze cold as she said to Alexander, You two can leave now.” 

Child, youAlexander was taken aback

I don’t care whether I am your daughter or not,Yana said calmly. I already have my own parents. No matter what the truth is, I have no intention of acknowledging you. So, stop wasting your time here. The Miller family does not welcome you.” 

How can you talk like that, Yana!Jane exclaimed, pulling at her

Yana suddenly became agitated. Why can’t I talk like this? It’s not as if I’m desperate to find my parents. What are they implying now? Questioning us? I don’t need any biological parents!” 


Emergency Cans viny 

Chapter 259 

To make her act more convincing, Yana angrily picked up a teacup and smashed it to the ground

Judith jumped, startled, and tried to explain in a fluster, Yana, he didn’t mean it like that. He was just” 

Suddenly, Judith’s eyes widened in shock

A red stain appeared on Yana’s white dress

Then, a stream of blood slowly flowed down her calf

He didn’t mean it like that, then what did he mean?Yana continued her heated performance

Jane also saw the blood

She was stunned for a moment and then shouted, Yana, there’s blood!” 

Seeingseeing blood…. 

Yana was stunned, and then she lowered her head in a daze

She looked down and saw a shocking bright red mark on her leg. 

Yana felt dizzy

She had put on such an intense act just now

Something wrong

No, something might not have gone wrong

Her due date was also approaching

This could be a normal sign of labor starting

Quick, take me to the hospital,” Yana screamed

I’ll go get someone,Carl said, rushing out

Yana, don’t be afraid, I’m here.Jane comforted Yana, holding Yana in her arms


Chapter 259 

Alexander and Judith watched from the side, wanting to step forward but hesitating

Judith felt a bittersweet emotion

It saddened her that her daughter was calling someone else mom and was so wary of her


she felt some relief knowing that the Millers family must have treated Yana well over the years

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have shown such sincerity


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