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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 260

Chapter 260 

At the Hospital

Yana’s condition was unlike that of most people. Upon arrival, she was immediately taken to the emergency 


Yana’s illness made it dangerous for her to bleed even a little, let alone the substantial amount she was losing 


Given her condition, she shouldn’t have gotten pregnant

But Yană insisted on keeping the baby, and no one could persuade her otherwise

For the sake of Yana’s production

The Miller family had arranged for 500 cc of blood to be stored at the hospital

In case of an emergency during Yana’s delivery

However, it was too dangerous for Yana to give birth

Jane waited outside the emergency room, unable to hide her anxiety

What’s wrong?Judith asked, seeing their distressed expressions

Jane looked at Judith, hesitant to speak

Please, just tell us,Alexander said. I’ll help in any way I can.” 

Although they could not confirm Yana’s identity now, she might be their daughter after all

Alexander would naturally think of every possible way to help

Jane revealed a sorrowful look. Actually” 

Stop, don’t say it,Carl said, cutting her off


Emergency calls only 

Chapter 250 

Jane closed her mouth, looking aggrieved

Judith grew more anxious. What is it? Please, just tell us 

Carl sighed and remained silent

095% 10:04 

Biting her lip, Jane spoke, Even if you disagree, Carl, I must say this! It could be a matter of life and death for Yana. Besides, they are her biological parents and they have the right to know everything” 

You..Carl struggled for a while as if he had admitted defeat. Go ahead” 

Jane, with a sad expression, said, You might not know, but Yana has had severe aplastic anemia since birth With this condition, she must avoid bleeding as even a minor wound might not stop bleeding Also, Yana’s case in critical and she needs blood transfusions regularly


Aplastic anemia?Judith’s face turned pale. My mother had the same condition! Could it be a hereditary 


Aplastic anemia does have a certain hereditary probability, but Judith herself did not inherit it and 

paid much attention to this condition

But now, Yana also had this disease

Judith was more convinced of her identity

Even Alexander’s expression turned solemn. My mother in law had this condition with a rare blood type. Alter 

an accident, we couldn’t find the blood in time, and we lost her 

This disease was dangerous enough for ordinary people, let alone those with rare blood types 

Carl and Jane exchanged a glance, both taken aback 

Such a coincidence

They were secretly pleased

This coincidence would make it easier to convince the Nicholas family

Carl put on a sad face. Unfortunately, Yana also inherited the rare blood type. Mrs. Nicholas, you’re also Rh- 

calls only→→FO- 

Emergency calls only

Chapter 260 

negative, aren’t you?” 

Judith nodded absently. Yes, I am.” 

Jane sighed. I also have this blood type. Normally, it’s quite rare and not always hereditary. But, by some twist of fate or misfortune, both of us passed this blood type to our children. Our biological daughter, Susan, also has this type.” 

SusanJudith slowly pondered the name

Yana has had this condition since birth. Although she’s not our biological child, Carl and I couldn’t help but dote on her a bit more. Susan, being healthier, was always asked to give way to her sister,Jane said, wiping away tears before continuing. Yana’s first bleeding episode was at age seven. That year, perhaps due to the dry weather, she suddenly had a nosebleed. For healthy children, it’s normal, but for Yana, it was a lifethreatening situation. She needed an immediate blood transfusion. My first reaction was to donate my blood. I was willing to give as much as needed to save Yana.” 

Jane said sorrowfully, But I couldn’t because I was on medication that made me ineligible to donate. I was helpless.” 

As Jane spoke, she broke down and cried

Judith was completely caught up in it

Tears streamed down her cheek

Alexander comforted her and explained to Carl and Jane, My wife recalls her mother’s situation. When her mother needed a transfusion, Judith’s health prevented her from donating.” 

Judith nodded and looked at Jane with tearful eyes. And then? Who donated blood to Yana?” 

Jane sighed deeply. It was my biological daughter, Susan.” 

Susan donated blood at the age of seven, during Yana’s first crisis.” 

Jane’s expression mournful. After that transfusion, Susan lay in bed for a week. But Yana had just been ill and needed care. I spent that week with Yana, thinking Susan would understand. But she developed a grudge against me for that. She still hasn’t forgiven me.Jane broke down crying


Emergency calls only 

Chapter 260 




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