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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 263

Chapter 263 

Refusing, are you?Carl Miller chuckled. In the current situation, do you even have the luxury of saying no?” 

Do you realize how precious Yana’s identity is now? If anything happens to her, who knows how the King and Queen of Tonico might react? They could blame Coraland for their beloved daughter’s plight. The diplomatic relations between the two countries could deteriorate rapidly over this incident. In the worst case, it might even spark a war! Susan, can you bear such a responsibility?” 

Carl pointed accusingly at Susan, his words ringing with righteous indignation

Susan replied coldly, Oh, so you’re saying that if I don’t donate blood, it could lead to widespread devastation?” 

Good that you understand.Carl nodded smugly. Susan, if you have an ounce of sense, you’ll realize that you have to donate, whether you want to or not. Not only should you donate, but if you’re smart, you’ll do it cheerfully! If the King and Queen of Tonico learn of your willingness, they might even owe you a favor. Otherwisewell, offending people is one thing, but if you cause trouble for Ben, how will you live with yourself?” 

Susan stared emotionlessly at Carl.. 

Her hand slowly clenched into a fist

For many, many years, she had regarded the Miller family as her own family. Even with Yana’s capriciousness. Even with Carl and Jane only ever demanding her blood donations

She had always believed that it was because of Yana’s frailty that her parents favored her

Though their favoritism might have been a bit excessive

But she had thought it was understandable

But what about now

Carl had just revealed to her

That Yana wasn’t even his biological daughter


Chapter 263 

A sense of irony struck Susan, and she burst into laughter

Carl narrowed his eyes. What’s so funny!” 

Susan looked at him calmly. Do you remember what you told me the first time you asked me to donate blood to Yana?” 

What was said? Such an old matter, who can remember? Susan, let me tell you, bringing up the past is useless, You must donate your blood,Carl Miller stated emphatically

Susan chuckled. You said, Yana and I were twins, and because I took all the nutrients in the womb, Yana was born with that illness. So, it’s my responsibility to take care of her health, right?” 

Maybe that’s what was said, so what?Carl was growing impatient

Susan’s smile held a hint of irony. But you just said Yana isn’t your biological child. Carl, tell me, how did I take Yana’s nutrients then?” 

Carl was momentarily stunned, unable to speak, guilt written all over his face

That had been the reason Susan willingly donated blood in the past, a reason she never doubted

But if Susan and Yana were not twins, then that reason was a lie

Susan’s smile grew brighter. Carl, you used that excuse to make me willingly donate blood to Yana for so long! Are you sure I’m your biological daughter?” 

Susan’s question was filled with anger, and Carl’s first reaction was guilt

Had Susan discovered something

No, he couldn’t let Susan ponder this any further

Dear Susan.Carl sighed. How can you be so heartless? Exactly because Yana is someone else’s child, we need to take even better care of her. Otherwise, how can we explain it to her real parents when they come looking? I know I’ve wronged you in the past. But your body has always been stronger than average, donating a bit of blood won’t hurt!” 

Carl looked at Susan meaningfully. One must have a kind heart in life.” 


Chapter 263 

Do you believe that yourself?Susan scoffed

What kind of person Carl was, others might not know, but how could she not

Such a man, talking to her about kindness, was laughable

That’s the truth, why don’t you believe it?Carl was getting angry and frustrated. Susan, I’m not here to discuss with you, I’m here to order you! You’ve donated blood so many times before, and today, you must come with me to the hospital to do it again.” 

Susan narrowed her eyes. What if I refuse?” 

Carl just sneered and pulled out a handkerchief soaked in chloroform

Susan’s pupils dilated in shock, and before she could react, Carl lunged forward with a sinister smile, covering her mouth and nose with the handkerchief

Seconds later, Carl Miller released his grip, leaving Susan unconscious

Looking at the comatose Susan, Carl’s eyes flickered with thought

His previous actions couldn’t withstand scrutiny

If Susan woke up and thought things through, she might start doubting her own origins

His lies, inherently flimsy, couldn’t stand up to such examination

The best solution was to ensure Susan never woke up again

Carl looked at Susan, his flickering eyes slowly becoming firm

Susan didn’t need to wake up

Even if Ben became furious, Carl now had the King of Tonico as his support. What could Ben do to him


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