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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 264

Chapter 264 

Carl sneered. Because the anxious pair waiting outside are none other than the King and Queen of Tonico! You must have heard about the missing Tonican princess. Tonico has been searching for her for over twenty years. with no results. But now, the Tonican princess has been found. Do you know who she is?” 

The doctor, startled, asked cautiously, Who is she?” 

Carl raised an eyebrow. It’s Yana, currently in the emergency room fighting for her life! She is the princess of Tonico! Imagine the King of Tonico finally finding his daughter, only for her to die in childbirth. Can you guess his reaction? What do you think will happen to the relations between our two countries?” 

Carl looked satisfied at the doctor’s suddenly pale face

This was the reaction he expected

Susan, previously, was just feigning calmness

Carl relished this feeling, wielding the banner of international relations, believing he could do whatever he 


Is everything you said true?The doctor was visibly confused

Why would I lie about something like this?Carl replied impatiently. Didn’t you see Uriah’s respectful demeanor? Besides such highprofile individuals like the King of Tonico, who else could make Uriah of Anaville 

treat them with such care?” 

The doctor reflected for a moment

Indeed, the situation surrounding Yana’s delivery was tumultuous

The sudden excessive bleeding and the urgent need for blood transfusion were expected

After all, Yana’s constitution determined her ability to give birth, and she would definitely have a slim chance of 


But what followed was beyond his understanding


Emergency calls only

Chapter 264 

First, Carl left to find Susan

But when Susan wasn’t found, Uriah arrived first



Uriah had returned with an armed force and had directly sealed off the hospital. This was especially the case on their level, where they were surrounded so tightly that not even an outsider could enter

Uriah himself was cautiously speaking to a middleaged couple

The hospital staff was already full of questions

Now, the puzzle was solved

That was the King and Queen of Tonico

It made sense why such measures were taken

So, have you decided whether to draw the blood or not?Carl raised his eyebrow

The doctor glanced at Carl, then at the unconscious Susan, biting his lip. If Mrs. Landor blames us later” 

I’ll take full responsibility!Carl declared, slapping his chest. We’re bloodrelated father and daughter, how could we hold a grudge overnight?” 

The doctor, after a moment of thought, nodded in agreement

The situation is urgent. Let’s prepare for the transfusion,” Carl said

Alright.The doctor nodded and immediately had Susan wheeled into the operating room to prepare for the blood transfusion

Carl’s eyes gleamed with calculation

He had made thorough preparations

First, he had Susan donate blood to Yana, saving Yana

Then, after Susan’s donation, he would make his move

Emergency calls only… 

Chapter 264 

093% 10:09 


He had prepared a powdered drug that, when applied to Susan’s wound, would cause a severe infection. If Susan were to die, it would appear as a complication from the blood transfusion, and no blame could be placed 

on him

Carl thought. Susan, it was not that I was heartless.” 

Carl thought. You just stood in Yana’s way.” 

At Storm Group

Ben had just seen off a business partner and returned to his office

As soon as he sat down

The secretary reported, Mr. Landor, Mrs. Landor was taken away by Uriah.” 

Ben personally instructed that Susan’s matters were always of utmost importance.. 

So, even though it seemed trivial, the secretary reported it immediately

Ben paused. Uriah?” 

It was Mr. Hale who personally came, and there was an official letter from Uriah,the secretary hurriedly said

Ben’s brow twitched, feeling an uneasy premonition

He gestured for the secretary to leave, then immediately dialed Uriah’s private number

In Appolis Hospital

Uriah, carefully accompanying Alexander and Judith, saw Ben’s call, his eyelid twitched, and he quickly answered the phone

Uriah, is Susan with you?Ben asked

She’s with me,Uriah hurriedly responded. There’s a situation here where we urgently need her help.” 

Ren frowned Buil

Emergency calls only4 

Chapter 264 

His relationship with the government had always been good

Ben didn’t believe Uriah would deliberately target him and Susan

But this unease clung to him, making it impossible for him to relax


This matter can only be resolved by Mrs. Landor,Uriah spoke in a lowered voice. Do you know Yana? She’s not really the Miller family’s daughter. Her biological parents are the King and Queen of Tonico! They came to Coraland secretly to acknowledge their kin.” 

Frowning, Ben was slightly surprised

However, his thoughts were the same as Susan. What did this have to do with them

That was what Ben thought and asked

Uriah said, Yana had a severe hemorrhage during childbirth and urgently needs a blood transfusion. Unfortunately, her blood type is very rare, so we had to request Mrs. Landor’s help.” 


Ben’s expression changed drastically, and he stood up abruptly. Tell me, where is Susan now?” 

She’s at Appolis Hospital, donating blood to Yana,Uriah said somewhat confusedly

I’m supposed to feel reassured?Ben’s voice turned ominously cold


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