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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 367

Chapter 367 

Life for Leo was extremely difficult in the Smith family

He was kicked out of Coraland by Ben and was ordered not to return to the country

Leo wanted to sneak back to the country several times

But Ben’s power was overwhelming

Not to mention returning to the country, he couldn’t even book a plane ticket

After several attempts, Leo gave up

After all, even if he used all his scheming to return to the country, what would it matter

In Coraland, Ben’s power would only be greater. If he went back, he would be like a sheep entering a tiger’s den

Leo chose to accept his fate

But life in the Smith family was different from what he had imagined

First of all, Isabella’s parents did not approve of him

The Smith family was considered a prestigious family in Riowert, but Isabella chose to be with him

The members of the Smith family constantly whispered malicious words to him, trying to drive him away so that Isabella could marry someone else

After so many things, Leo had already lost his feelings for Isabella

But if he left, he had no place to go

Although the Smith family didn’t treat him well, they were a family that cared about their reputation. As long as he was thickskinned, he would always have food and drink

If he ran out of money, he could still ask Isabella for some

But this kind of life was completely different from before

Leo sometimes regretted it

He thought, Why did I insist on opposing Ben at that time

I know him. After all, we are brothers. As long as I didn’t cross his bottom line, Ben would definitely arrange a good future for me. But I chose a completely different path. Who is responsible for all this?” 

Leo couldn’t help but think of Isabella


Chapter 367 

In fact, if Isabella hadn’t appeared, if she hadn’t awakened his ambition, he would probably still be a coward and live a comfortable life under Ben’s suppression

But now, he found himself living under the Smith family’s roof and couldn’t keep his head up

Leo regretted it, but he had no choice

The only thing he could do now was to hold onto Isabella’s thigh

He couldn’t understand as a grown man, he would end up like this

But he didn’t dare to venture out on his own

The more Leo thought about it, the more distressed he became, and the more he felt that he was unlucky

He was about to open his computer and play a game to distract himself when he noticed a new email

Leo casually clicked on it

Originally, he just glanced at it, but after a while, he was shocked

This email contained a report on Susan’s fertility test

At the same time, there was a seductive message

The person who sent the email told him Susan had difficulty getting pregnant, but Ben was lovesick and would never 

abandon her

So, the lineage of the Landor family would definitely end here

The person who sent the email also said Charlie was dissatisfied with Ben and Susan because of this, and Charlie thought of his goodness and eagerly wanted him to come back home

Leo originally had some regrets about his opposition to Ben before

But after reading this email, He didn’t regret it at all

He thought, This is truly a blessing from heaven

The people of the older generation, like Charlie, definitely value inheritance

Now, Ben is willing to sacrifice his future generations for a woman. Isn’t this suicidal

Now, I am the only person who can have descendants of the Landor family

If I can go back home, Grandpa will definitely value me

That huge Storm Group, is it going to be passed on to an outsider in the future

If I have children, the group should be passed on to my children


Chapter 367 

Ben has struggled all his life, and it turns out that everything is mine

Indeed, someone like me is destined to be extraordinary

The hardships of the first half of my life are just to make my second half soar!” 

Leo forcefully calmed his excited state and continued reading

The mysterious person who sent the email also mentioned that she could find a way to bypass Ben’s surveillance and let him return to Coraland

Leo’s face lit up

He didn’t think this email was fake

After all, someone like him was not worth being deceived

The reason why this person was going to great lengths to help him should be because they had a grudge against Ben

After all, Ben had many friends and enemies due to his position

But Leo didn’t think this had anything to do with him

As long as he could return to Coraland, as long as he could return to the Landor family, Leo didn’t care about anything else

Excitedly, he gave a positive reply

Then he closed the computer and went to find Isabella

Isabella was dressed up and ready to go out

Leo was not doing well, but Isabella was living a good life. Besides listening to some gossip, she ate and drank well and often went shopping and attended banquets

Leo felt a little heartbroken about this, but considering that he was living in her home, he dared not say much

But now, Leo felt confident

He said in a deep voice, Where are you going today?” 

Isabella glanced at him sideways, not bothering to even respond, and walked straight out

Originally, Leo would have endured it

But now, he didn’t want to endure it anymore.. 

He confidently said, Isabella, if you dare to leave this door today, we will get a divorce.” 

Isabella stopped 

Isabella stopped in her tracks and looked at Leo with surprise



Chapter 367 

She didn’t understand where Leo got the confidence to speak to her like this

Leo said with full confidence, You can go ahead, but in the future, you won’t have a penny of the Landor family’s wealth.” 

Isabella burst into laughter directly, saying. The Landor family? Are you still thinking about inheriting the Landor family? Leo, what kind of daydream are you having!” 

Even though they had a period of true love between them, in the face of reality, it had already been completely shattered

Now, Isabella only felt disdain and unwillingness towards Leo

Disdain for being with such a man

Unwillingly, she thought to herself, How did I end up with such a man?” 

Daydreaming?Leo retorted loudly, What if Susan cannot bear children? Do you still think I’m daydreaming?” 

Isabella hesitated for a moment and instinctively said, That’s impossible!” 

She clearly remembered in her past life that Susan had given birth to children, and even twins, which was a perfect 


Why is it impossible?Leo confidently replied, Susan was forced to give blood to Yana, and it damaged her body. The doctors said it would be extremely difficult for her to conceive.” 

Isabella blinked

She suddenly realized that this was not impossible

In her past life, she did not intervene

The Nicholas family was able to find Susan smoothly without any interference from Yana

But now, because of her meddling, the Nicholas family was initially misled to Yana’s side

That was why Susan was forced to give blood

So, even though she couldn’t change the fact that Susan and the Nicholas family recognized each other, her meddling still made an impact

She thought, Is Susan really unable to conceive

Isabella’s heart suddenly raced

She felt like she had caught a huge opportunity

Suppressing her excitement, Isabella asked, Who told you this? Are you really sure?” 

Leo snorted coldly, arrogantly saying, Ben has been at odds with Grandpa because of the issue of succession. If I have a child, Grandpa will definitely hand over the Landor family to me. Even the Storm Group is worth considering. Now, I am in

Chapter 367 

rare position, so naturally, there are people who are willing to cooperate with me. It doesn’t matter who told me. What matters is that I can return to Coraland soon,” 

Isabella said, That person has a way to avoid Ben’s surveillance and bring you back to Coraland?” 

Of course,Leo proudly replied, Someone without skills wouldn’t have the ability to cooperate with me.” 

Isabella’s expression Immediately changed

Alright, you can go now,” Leo said, looking at Isabella with confidence

A radiant smile appeared on Isabella’s face

She softly said, We’ve been married for so long. There’s no need to speak so formally. A wife should follow her husband wherever he goes. If you’re going back to Coraland, of course I’ll go with you. Do you need anything prepared? I’ll take care of it immediately.” 

Isabella had always been dissatisfied when she left Coraland

Now that she had the opportunity to go back and even had the hope of inheriting a huge family fortune, how could she let go of such a good opportunity

Isabella’s attitude was extremely gentle

Leo smiled, his face full of arrogance. Nothing else. Just prepare some money. If we want to inherit the Storm Group, we need to spend money to establish connections.” 

Okay, I’ll go ask my parents for some money,” Isabella said naturally

Go ahead. Leo waved his hand

Isabella didn’t attend the banquet anymore and happily went to find her parents

Although her parents were not satisfied with the husband Isabella had found, they still loved her dearly as their only daughter

When they saw Isabella, her mother, Sloane, smiled, Isabella, you look so beautiful. Are you going out to have fun?” 

That was my original plan. But now there’s something more important. Mom, how much money do we have at home? Give it all to me,Isabella said directly

Her father, Oliver, frowned. What do you need the money for?” 

Isabella told her parents what Leo had told her

She added, Mom and Dad, this is the entire Landor family plus the Storm Group. If you give me all the money, consider it an investment. When my child inherits the Storm Group in the future, won’t you get a return on your investment?” 

After Isabella finished speaking, she eagerly waited for her father to give her the money on the spot



Chapter 367 

However, Oliver frowned and spoke in a cold tone, Isabella, haven’t I told you not to antagonize Ben?” 

Dad, how is this considered antagonizing?Isabella became anxious. Susan can’t have children herself. The Landor family’s assets need someone with the Landor family blood to inherit them. Once I have a child, that child will be the only descendant of the Landor family. Who else would the assets go to?” 

However, Oliver was not as optimistic

He said expressionlessly, Someone like Ben will only give if he wants to. If you try to take the initiative, you’re only courting 



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