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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 368

Chapter 368 

That mysterious person has good insight and knows to invest in you,” Isabella snorted coldly, then asked, By the way, who is that person? Did he mention what he wants in return?” 

Leo furrowed his brow and replied, I don’t know who that person is, either, and as for the reward, he didn’t mention anything specific, probably some money and such. I guess he will reveal himself once I inherit the Landor family. At that time, I can just give him some money.” 

Isabella nodded in agreement and eagerly asked, So what do we do next?” 

They had already returned to Coraland, which was the first step

Leo said confidently, Now that we have returned to Coraland, we have completed the first step, which is also the most important step. Next, I will go find Grandpa and Mom. Ben is so unfilial that he wants to end the Landor family lineage. Grandpa must regret driving me out of the Landor family now. I bet he will cry and beg me to return to the family as soon as he sees me. Once I am back, we can consider the second step completed.” 

Isabella nodded repeatedly and couldn’t help but ask, How do we meet Grandpa then? The Smith family has announced their disownment of me, and Ben will definitely notice something

Ben might realize that they had returned to Coraland

With just a few words, Ben could prevent them from ever seeing Charlie

You can rest assured about that. That person said he has already arranged everything for us,Leo said confidently

That person must have extraordinary abilities to have sent them back to Coraland, which reassured Isabella

side the room, Penny stared at the computer screen, a hint of coldness flashing in her eyes

eo couldn’t resist the temptation of the promise she made and eagerly returned to Coraland

ut the information she gave Leo was a mix of truth and lies

The truth was about Susan’s physical condition

The lie was about Charlie’s attitude towards this matter

he lie was about s physical condition

Leo were to meet Charlie directly, he would quickly realize that Charlie didn’t care about Susan’s difficulty in conceiving. nd Leo would be unable to cause any trouble

he person Penny truly wanted Leo to meet was someone else

sinister smile appeared on Penny’s face

he took out her phone and called Susan

s soon as the call connected, her voice instantly turned sweet. Sis, are you off tomorrow? How about we go shopping 

13% 13:04 

Chapter 368 


We haven’t gone shopping together for a long time. Just accompany me, okay?” 

Penny coaxed, and Susan couldn’t resist and agreed

Penny hung up the phone deadpan

Everything was ready

Tomorrow, the show would officially begin

The next day, Leo and Isabella briefly disguised themselves and left early in the morning

The mysterious person had instructed them to wait in the lobby of Tarniko Mall at ten in the morning and said they would meet the person they wanted to see there

Leo thought, Will it be Grandpa?‘ 

Leo couldn’t help but speculate, his heart filled with hope

They arrived early, well before ten

They sat in a corner booth of the lobby, feeling like thieves

isabella whispered, Is that person really so powerful? How could he know Grandpa’s whereabouts? What if it’s all a lie?” 

Leo was also nervous, but he said, What benefit would there be in deceiving us? We will find out soon enough.” 

sabella nodded


waited and waited, becoming increasingly restless

suddenly, Leo’s phone rang

eo checked his phone

here was a message: [The person you want to see will enter in the next moment.

mmediately, he looked up towards the door

the next moment, he saw Susan walking in

20 was shocked

to see Susan

e thought it would be Charlie and didn’t expect to see Susan

What do we do now?Isabella asked nervously

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Chapter 368 

Landor family die out.” 

With that, Leo stood up abruptly and walked straight to Susan

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Penny, it’s taking so long for you to go to the bathroom.Susan glanced at her watch, feeling a little strange

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of her. Susan raised her head in surprise and saw someone unexpected

Leo had disguised himself today and even wore sunglasses

a glo 

However, Susan still recognized him at a glance

Leo?Susan frowned

She didn’t expect to see Leo here

Susan, I didn’t expect you to still remember me,” Leo said with a strange tone.. 

Susan ignored him and noticed Isabella next to Leo, her brows furrowing deeper

She thought, How did these two come back? I remembered that Ben had said he would never let them return to the country 

In this lifetime.” 

What’s wrong? Disappointed to see us back?Leo said with a smile

Susan looked at him expressionlessly and turned to leave

She didn’t need to get entangled with this couple in such a place

You want to leave as soon as you see me, Susan. Are you feeling guilty?Leo suddenly shouted

Susan didn’t even stop for a moment and walked straight out

A hint of anger appeared on Leo’s face

He thought, How dare this Susan be so disrespectful towards me. I will make her beg for mercy once I inherit the Landor family and kick her out of the house. But that’s a matter for the future. Right now, I can’t let Susan leave like this


Leo’s voice grew even louder. Esteemed wife of the richest man, are you so afraid to face me?” 

His voice was loud, especially when he said richest man’s wife

The hall was already bustling with people coming and going

Leo’s shout attracted the attention of many people

The bodyguards who were secretly following Susan discreetly protected her and looked at Leo with vigilance

Leo was not panicked at all. He shouted loudly, As expected of the richest man’s wife, even going out creates such a scene. But the bigger the scene, does it prove that you’ve done something wrong?” 


Chapter 368 


Curious gazes multiplied

Susan frowned. What are you trying to do?” 

What am I trying to do?Leo shouted, My brother suppressed me, misunderstood me, and drove me away. I accepted all of that because we are brothers, and we share the same blood, so no matter what he does to me, I can forgive him! If he doesn’t want to see me, I can even stay in Riowert forever, never returning to the country! But now, I have to come back. If I don’t come back, the entire Landor family will be destroyed.” 

Leo wished for more people to know about this. He spoke loudly, almost attracting all the attention

What is this person saying?” 

The richest man’s wife? Isn’t the richest man Ben?” 

Who else could it be? Since Ben became the richest man five years ago, he hasn’t fallen from that position.” 

The richest man’s wife? Isn’t that Susan?” 

That’s right. That man is Ben’s younger brother, Leo. Mr. Landor cut ties with him publicly, and since then, he disappeared.” 

Now it seems like there’s more to this matter.” 

Tsk tsk tsk. In wealthy families, there are always hidden secrets.” 

As the crowd discussed, they took out their phones and eagerly aimed them at Leo and Susan

They loved the drama of wealthy families

If they could ride on the popularity and gain some attention, that would be even better

With so many people watching, Leo became even more arrogant, and his voice grew louder. Susan, if you have any conscience left, you should proactively divorce my brother and stay away from him forever.” 

Susan looked at the growing crowd, feeling annoyed

She couldn’t help but say in a cold voice, Leo, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” 

Don’t know? Stop pretending!Leo said without hesitation, I already know. The doctor said that due to excessive blood 

oss, your body has been damaged to the core. It will be extremely difficult for you to conceive in the future. In other words, you, Susan, are now an infertile hen! By clinging to my brother, you are condemning the Landor family to extinction. Susan, you are the eternal sinner of our Landor family.” 

f it weren’t for the bodyguards, Leo would have loved to poke Susan’s nose with his fingers

Susan listened, even more bewildered. She couldn’t help but say, Leo, have you gone mad?” 

Are you still pretending?Leo sneered and handed her a test report, saying, Isn’t this your medical report? It clearly states chat you can’t conceive.” 

Chapter 368 

The bodyguard instinctively intercepted the report

But Leo was not flustered. He took out a bunch more and, along with Isabella, distributed them like handing out flyers, saying. These are Susan’s medical reports. Everyone take a good look. This woman is almost impossible to conceive in her lifetime. Yet she clings to the position of Ben’s wife and refuses to let go. She takes advantage of my brother’s love for her and constantly stirs up trouble between my brother and grandfather. My poor Grandpa, at his age, just wants to hold greatgrandchild. What’s wrong with that? But he keeps getting angered by this poisonous woman over and over again! Let’s discuss. Is this woman malicious? Is she selfish?” 

Leo passionately recounted the story

Susan ignored him, but she took the report and looked at it herself

Then, her brows slightly furrowed

A faint uneasiness rose in her heart

She thought, 1can’t conceive? If that were true, it should have been discovered long ago. But Ben has never mentioned this to me. And Grandpa? Does he know, too? Then why hasn’t he said anything?” 

Susan couldn’t help but feel panic

Mrs. Landor, don’t believe these. Most likely, they are fake,one bodyguard couldn’t help but say

Susan shook her head, her expression somewhat dazed

She wasn’t a foolish person. On the contrary, she had always been sharpwitted

If this report didn’t have some degree of truth, how could Leo dare to come back to the country? How could he be so confident

In this report, let alone anything else, the fact that it was difficult for her to conceive had an 80% chance of being true

Susan faltered for a moment, then forced herself to calm down

hile. Leo and Isabella continued to accuse

Meanwhile, Leo 

Susan took a deep look at the two of them, then decisively left

No matter what, she had to confirm this matter


Chapter Joi 

Susan avoided her usual hospital and found a wellknown private hospital Instead


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