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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 388

Chapter 388 

Dr. Thomas, are you” Eason, taken aback, was about to ask something, but Thomas calmly nodded. before he could finish

Eason’s heart skipped a beat, followed by a surge of elation

He had no reason to doubt Thomas’s words

Firstly, Thomas was Ben’s close friend, and it was clear Ben knew about his true identity

Secondly, the medicine developed by Thomas had effectively saved his father’s life, proving his extraordinary medical skills

Eason was initially curious about where such a skilled doctor had suddenly appeared from, as Thomas was previously not wellknown

But if Thomas was indeed the Medical Mystic, everything made sense

The Medical Mystic was a legendary figure in the medical field, who had risen to fame within a year and then disappeared just as quickly

He had treated many people, leaving behind numerous legends, but after his disappearance, all traces of him were meticulously erased, making it impossible for anyone to find his true identity

However, if the Medical Mystic was Thomas, it all fell into place

With a friend like Ben, erasing some traces and allowing Thomas to return to a normal life would be no hardtask.. 

The more Eason thought about it, the more excited he became

Initially, deciding to let Thomas take charge of his father’s illness was somewhat of a gamble, given Thomas’s lack of fame

But now, knowing he was the Medical Mystic, he was filled with confidence about his father’s recovery

Dr. Thomas,Eason said excitedly. I never expected you to have such a hidden identity.

As he spoke, he enthusiastically grabbed Thomas’s hand

Thomas tried to pull away but couldn’t break free.. 

After a few attempts, he still couldn’t escape Eason’s grasp

Eason was obviously too excited and Thomasface darkened with annoyance

Mr. Nicholas,Thomas said, are you sure you don’t want to deal with the crowd protesting downstairs


Ah, right, of course,Eason suddenly remembered, quickly letting go of Thomashand. Seeing Thomas’s 




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Chapter 385 

expression, he became even more cautious. So, Dr. Thomas, are you going down with me to reveal your identity?” 

Thomas narrowed his eyes, a chill in his voice. The reputation of the Medical Mystic is not to be tarnished

He might not care for the title himself, but he couldn’t let others exploit it for their own ends

Hearing this, a flicker of excitement crossed Eason’s face

If Thomas was willing to reveal his identity, then Edel would surely not be able to cause any more trouble

Dr. Thomas, thank you,” Eason said earnestly after taking a deep breath


Thomas smiled. Let’s solve the problem first.” 

Right, let’s go, Eason quickly replied

After Eason and Thomas left, Judith was still somewhat dazed

She couldn’t help but look at Susan. Susanis Thomas really the Medical Mystic?” 

Susan nodded affirmatively. Absolutely certain.” 

A glimmer of hope shone in Judith’s eyes

The legendary Medical Mystic, renowned for curing even the most complex illnesses, seemed to hold the key to saving Alexander

This hope was more significant than anything else at the moment

The crowd outside the hospital grew, practically surrounding the entire building

The guards at the hospital entrance were on high alert, striving to keep the crowd outside the hospital premises

Initially, the situation was somewhat manageable.. 

The crowd, though large, hesitated to directly storm the hospital

But then, someone shouted

Princess Ava and the Medical Mystic are here!” 

The crowd parted ways as Ava and Edel approached

The guards, following Eason’s instructions, barred them from entering

Ava, with a flash in her eyes, softly said, Captain Jagger, could you make an exception and let us in? I know Eason wants power and sees me as a threat. But I really don’t want to fight with him for power. I just want to get treatment for Alexander.”


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Chapter 388 

Jagger, expressionless, replied, Sorry, but the prince has ordered not to let you see the king again. Our guard unit only obeys the prince. Il the prince says you can’t see the king, we won’t let you through. In fact, if the prince orders us to shoot you, I would execute that order without hesitation.” 

Jagger’s icy tone suggested his strict adherence to Eason’s command 

However, his firm stance only fueled the crowd’s anger 

Why can’t she see the king just because the prince says so? The king belongs to the whole country, not just the prince they shouted

Is the prince plotting a coup!” 

If the king were awake, he would surely meet with Princess Ava!” 

There must be a conspiracy” 

People were shouting so fervently that a few nearly fainted from the intensity

Alexander had ruled Tonico for many years as a beloved and effective king 

The public had already been skeptical about the circumstances surrounding his poisoning, suspecting there was more to the story. They believed Easms refusal to let outsiders see Alexander was shady

Now, with Jagger, the Captain of the Royal Guard, not only failing to calm the masses but also seemingly fueling their anger with his words, the crowd became even more restless 

The noise from the crowd grew louder and mo 

Ava’s eyes briefly flashed with triumph

She raised her hand to silence the crowd, then spoke with a seemingly righteous tone. Everyone, please hear me out! Eason is my nephew, and I firmly believe he is not heartless of insane. His refusal to let me see Alexander might stem from some misunderstanding. That’s alright, I can step back and not see my brother. But I have one small request, please let Edel enter the hospital. He is the Medical Mystic, and if he’s allowed in. I’m sure he can be of help

Ava’s plea appeared almost desperate. He’s a doctor, letting him in shouldn’t be a problem, right? I just want my brother to wake up sooner.” 

Her words moved many in the crowd

Despite being a princess, she was barred from entering the hospital yet chose to step back instead of escalating the conflict

How could people not be moved by such an action

Hearing Ava’s words, Jagger’s expression grew colder as he retorted, Prince Eason has already found the best doctor. Although this Dr. Thomas may not be famous and his medical skills unknown, since the prince has chosen him, we will unconditionally follow his orders!” 

Jagger’s words sounded odd


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09:48 Mon, 8 Apr 

Chapter 388 

While he seemed to be completely loyal to Eason, his statement felt like a subtle critique

One was the famed Medical Mystic, and the other an obscure doctor with no reputation

Yet Eason insisted on choosing an unknown

What on earth did he mean

The people, who already thought that there was something fishy, became more and more suspicious

Some shouted angrily, others wept bitterly, and some even began to breach the security line

Jagger scoffed coldly and fired a shot into the air


The world fell silent for a moment

With a crazed look, he threatened. All of you, leave immediately. If you continue this chaos, I will start shooting.” 


The crowd was stunned at the prospect of gunfire

However, their protests only grew more frantic

Who gave you the right to shoot?” 

Does the King know about your actions?” 

We must charge in! King Alexander must be a victim of a plot by Prince Eason and this man.” 

Save King Alexander! Save Tonico!” 

The chants roared louder as the crowd surged forward with renewed vigor

Amidst the chaos, Ava shouted, Although I don’t approve of violence, for Alexander’s sake, I can’t hesitate now. Please help us get Dr. Edel into the hospital!” 

The Princess herself asking for help galvanized the crowd further, spurred on by instigators among them

The atmosphere turned increasingly fervent

Suddenly, someone shouted. Dr. Edel, you must save the King, and charged towards the security line

Let Dr. Edel in the hospital.” 

Not allowing Dr. Edel to treat the King is equivalent to murder.” 

Dr. Edel has arrived, how dare you block him?” 

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Chapter 398 

One after another, people began to rush towards the security line

What should we do now, boss?A guard asked Jagger, visibly panicked

Despite having many officers, they were no match for the sheer number of civilians

It was impossible to hold back the crowd

Jagger’s gaze flickered as he coldly commanded. Then shoot.” 

What?The guard was shocked

These were the citizens of Tonico

How could they fire upon their own people

Jagger shouted loudly, ensuring everyone could hear. Prince has ordered to shoot! Kill a few, and the rest will fall in line.” 

The crowd indeed heard him, and their rage began to spread like wildfire

Far from retreating, they charged even more fiercely at the hospital

Seeing the hesitation among his men to fire. Jagger scoffed and pulled out his gun 

Whether Prince had given such an order or not, as the head of the Royal Guard, Jagger represented him

By declaring it was the Prince’s order, he implicated the prince

If he managed to kill a few people, it would be even harder for Prince to clear his name

After this, Prince and the throne would be irrevocably estranged

A cold glint flashed in Jagger’s eyes as he raised his weapon and fired directly into the crowd


Eason accompanied by Thomas, had just arrived on the scene

causing his 

As he approached, he witnessed Jagger firing his gun, expression to shift subtly

Jagger’s gaze flickered, pretending not to hear, and continued to fire

To completely ruin Eason, a few casualties were necessary

Jagger, I’m ordering you to stop.Eason shouted

Your Highness.Jagger called out loud. Rest assured, I will ensure that no one gets to see the king.” Eason was furious and wanted to say more, but the chaos was too much for mere words to control

ed the crowd


Chapter 3881 

Some retreated, but many more surged forward in anger

Jagger continued to shoot emotionlessly, aiming directly at the heart of one individual, intent on killing him

This act would crush Eason’s chance of succession

With this shot, Eason would be forever nailed to a pillar of shame

A slow smile crept across Jagger’s lips as he prepared to take the shot

Eason, realizing Jagger’s intention, had a subtle shift in expression

Clearly, the once fiercely loyal captain of the Royal Guard had long betrayed the Nicholas family

Who was Jagger’s true master

Princess Ava

Or someone else

These thoughts swirled chaotically, but at that moment, they seemed inconsequential

Jagger had fired his gun

With clenched teeth, Eason acted with unprecedented speed, diving to shield the intended victim

The bullet grazed his arm, flying off into the distance, leaving his arm bleeding profusely, staining it crimson

The world fell silent for a moment

The crowd looked on in surprise at Eason’s action

What was happening

Eason had rushed out and saved someone from Jagger’s gunfire

Jagger’s gaze flickered. Pretending not to have seen the prince’s heroics, he aimed in a different direction, intending to fire again

Eason, unable to tolerate anymore, stood up and blocked Jagger’s line of fire, his voice cold, You want to shoot? Fine, aim at me!” 

Jagger’s eyes darted about, weighing his options, then lowered his gun with hesitation

Prince Eason, it’s too late to win over these people now. They are just rioters, deserving of their fate,” he said.. 

With one sentence, Jagger twisted Prince Nicholas’s act of heroism into an attempt to buy public favor. The crowd, initially swayed by the prince’s bravery, grew angry again



Babe, are you hungry A ruthless CEO in the day, and a lovely husband at night

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09:48 Mon, 8 Apr 

Chapter 388 

Was Eason there to buy their hearts

As the scene was on the verge of erupting again, Eason spoke calmly, Jagger.” 

I am here,Jagger replied sternly, I’m at your service, Prince Eason.” 

I wouldn’t dare command you,Eason said expressionlessly. I’m just curious, what grudge do you have against me?” 

Why would you say that, Prince?Jagger’s gaze flickered

Ignoring him, Eason turned to the crowd. Do you really think Jagger is wholeheartedly supporting me? He seems to speak for me, but every word he says puts me on the spot. I never ordered him to shoot, yet he took it upon himself to do so, claiming it was my command. I couldn’t bear to see lives lost here and risked my own life to save someone, only to be accused of currying favor?” 

Eason said coldly, Currying favor? Would I use my life for that? The bullet just now was aimed straight at my heart.” 

With Eason’s clarification, the man he had saved spoke up. Indeed, that’s true. If it weren’t for Eason, I would have been shot in the heart.” 

The crowd, having witnessed the whole incident, began to doubt again

What was really going on

Jagger glanced at the saved man and added. So, it seems Prince had your own plans. I acknowledge that shooting was my own decision, and I should not have disrupted your plan.” 

Jagger’s insinuation was that the man’s rescue was just a wellorchestrated act by Eason


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