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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 389

Chapter 389 

Edel’s reaction made Thomas chuckle

He looked at Edel and asked, In the Medical Mystic’s notes, there is this phrase, I will give you some color see see. Can you tell me, what does this mean?” 

Thomas posed the question fluently in Elorish, leaving Edel bewildered

Is there anything special about this phrase?He thought

Ava’s eyes flickered and she was about to speak

Thomas glanced at her indifferently. Both Tonico and Coraland inherit the same culture, so people from Tonico naturally understand this phrase. But Miss Nicholas, my question is for Edel. I’m curious, if the Medical Mystic is Ethopian, why do his notes contain so many wrong Elorish phrases?” 

Ava instinctively looked at Edel, unsure whether he was truly the Medical Mystic, but trusting those behind the scenes who claimed he was

Edel, please explain. What does the Elorish phrase I just mentioned actually mean?Thomas asked. expressionless

Everyone’s eyes turned to Edel

Thomas’s query had raised a significant doubt

Edel, feeling a wave of panic and sweating, didn’t know how to respond

Howhow did he know what that meant

Although the phrase seemed straightforward, the reaction of the Tonican people suggested it had a different connotation in Zathinese

What could that be

Edel didn’t dare to say anything

Dr. Edel, you don’t understand your own notes?Thomas asked coldly

II just don’t think I need to explain it to you, Edel replied through gritted teeth

Thomas’s smile broadened. The Medical Mystic also wrote you shall rosein his notes. What do you think that means

Edel was speechless

It was a completely meaningless phrase to him

He had skimmed over it in the notes, dismissing it as nonsensical babble

Could it actually have a meaning


Babe, are you hungry? A ruthless CEO in the 4.4 FREE Installed day, and a lovely husband at night


Chapter 380 

Edel was stunned. Does they also know about it?” 

He looked around at the crowd

Ava appeared nervous, wanting to say something but holding back

Some in the crowd were starting to chuckle

Eason couldn’t help glancing at Thomas

Who would have thought 

Thomas was quite cheeky

You shall rosewas a completely nonsensical phrase. But read aloud, any Tonico person would get it it sounded just like a popular dishy’s name in Tonico

If the Medical Mystic can’t speak Zathinese, they would eat their hats

The crowd’s view of Edel began to shift

If the Medical Mystic’s notes really were like this, Edel couldn’t possibly be the legendary doctor

Because Edel simply couldn’t be proficient in such unique Elorish

Confronted with the skeptical looks of the crowd, Edel became increasingly panicked and blurted out, You’re lying! Those contents aren’t in the Medical Mystic’s notebook at all.” 

In reality, they were in the notebook. Having read it several times from cover to cover, Edel was well aware of this

Previously, to win the public’s trust, he had published a few pages from the notebook, but he hadn’t revealed the pages containing these contents

Now, with the notebook in his possession, he claimed they weren’t there who could force him to show it

Thomas, stop spouting nonsense. Dr. Edel is From Ethopia. How could he write such things?Ava also began to realize there might be issues with Edel’s identity, but what of it? She was determined to protect 


Nonsense?Thomas raised an eyebrow. Ava, I didn’t realize you were such a foolish person.” 

What do you mean?Ava asked, feeling somewhat uneasy

Thomas said calmly, Haven’t you ever wondered why I know the contents of the manuscript?” 

Why?Edel asked instinctively, then realizing his mistake, he hastily added. There’s no why. Everything you’re saying is just made up.” 

Thomas glanced at him. Is it? The Medical Mystic’s notebook has page numbers. Since you’re so confident, please reveal pages 8,/1599, 103… 


Babe, are you hungry? A ruthless CEO in the day, and a lovely husband at night

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Chapter 389 

Thomas emotionlessly listed several page numbers

Those pages, just show any one of them, and it’ll prove that the Medical Mystic is actually from Komland. So, do you dare to show them?” 

Ava instinctively looked at Edel

Sweating profusely, Edel blustered, The notebook is quite old. Some pages are damaged.” 

Oh? What a coincidence? All the ones I mentioned are damaged?Thomas looked at him with a mocking 


Edel knew how implausible this sounded but had no choice but to play along. Yes, all of them are damaged.” 

Since so many are damaged, why don’t I help you reconstruct them?” Thomas chuckled. I remember page 8 was about the Medical Mystic treating an Ethopian lord with a peculiar condition. It’s a shame to lose such an interesting case. The lord, although a robust man, had a belly bigger than a pregnant woman’s. Everyone thought it was due to years of obesity, but in fact, his belly swelled up within just seven days. This unusual symptom caught the Medical Mystic’s attention.” 

Thomas spoke as if he had forgotten the seriousness of the situation, vividly narrating the case. He described the lord’s condition, the Medical Mystic’s exploration of the cause, and how he eventually cured the illness using traditional Chinese medicine methods, leaving nothing out

As everyone listened, they became utterly engrossed

But as they did, some began to look puzzled


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