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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love By Christin Donald ( Edward ) novel Chapter 390



Chapter 390 

So, Dr. Edel, shall we compete?Thomas asked with a smile

Edel, visibly sweating, remained silent

The crowd around them didn’t care much about the subtleties. They saw a twist in the tale and thought the drama unfolding was quite enthralling

In a moment




The onlookers started to chant and shout

Ava’s face turned from green to white in quick succession

She had rallied this crowd with the hope of pressuring Eason to change 


But now… 

The crowd had turned the tables, putting her and Edel in a decidedly tricky situation

After all…. 

Edel’s guilty demeanor had pretty much given the game away

Could it be that Thomas was, by some incredible coincidence, the legendary Medical Mystic

The noise of the crowd grew louder and louder

With a slightly pale face, Ava asked in a low voice, How confident are you?” 

Dr. Edel’s sweating seemed to intensify

Having dared to impersonate the Medical Mystic, he naturally had some knowledge of medicine

Indeed, his skills were actually quite impressive

Among doctors overseas, he was known for his expertise in traditional medicine

But the catch was… 

He had never faced a true master

Traditional medicine is a bit of an enigma. Despite similar learning methods and content, it’s often the practitioners from countries righ in the medical culture who reach the pinnacle of this art


Babe, are you hungry? A ruthless CEO in the 44 FREE day, and a lovely husband at night





Chapter 390 

While Edel could claim the title of king in the realm of traditional medicine abroad, in countries steeped in medical culture, he would pale in comparison

Edel took a deep breath and slowly said, Although I have some understanding of traditional medicine, my primary approach to treatment is modern medicine. Traditional medicine is just an adjunct for me. And to some extent, traditional medicine ispseudoscience.” 

Edel, in his attempt to wriggle out of the challenge, had put his foot in his mouth

Ava’s face changed instantly

Had Edel lost his mind

Did he realize where he was

How dare he make such a statement

Edel!Ava sharply interrupted him, her voice tinged with anger. Shut your 

our mouth.” 

IEdel realized his blunder. Annoyed but determined, he continued, I’m not dismissing traditional medicine, but from my perspective, modern medicine is indeed the primary focus of my research. So, I won’t compete with you. It’s not my forte.” 

Edel was still trying to wriggle out of the situation


Thomas sneered. Is that so? So, Dr. Edel thinks that modern medicine surpasses traditional medicine in every aspect?” 

Dr. Edel stiffened

This was Tonico, a country rooted in medical culture

Many people around him were watching him like hawks

This was a tricky situation for Edel, but he had no choice but to respond

Steeling himself, he said, Yes.” 

He thought to himself that if Thomas wanted to compete in modern medicine, he might not necessarily 

be outclassed

After all, he was among the top doctors globally

Very well,Thomas said calmly. Let’s do it this way. We’ll have a challenge where I’ll only use traditional medicine, and you’ll only use modern medicine. Right behind us is a hospital. You choose two patients with the same condition, and let’s see who can cure their patient first. How about that?” 


Edel’s eyes lit 

  1. up

It’s wellknown that traditional medicine works slowly


Babe, are you hungry? A ruthless CEO in the 4.4* FREE Installed day, and a lovely husband at night

Chapter 240 

Even if Thomas was the Medical Mysts. Smited to wing traditional methods, how could he possibly 

Thomas was too full of himself

Abright, 10x decided thenEdel experly agreed. Are you sure I get to choose the patient?” 

Of course. Thomas nodded

With so many witnesses if I win.Edel persisted 

Thomas glanced at him. Then you’ll be the undisputed Medical Mystic, and no one will ever doubt you. Lagain 

GreatEdel was visibly energized

Even if everyone knew he was a fake, winning would make him legitimate

Dr. Thomas. Although Eason had a lot of faith in Thomas, he sull looked at him nervously at this point

Everyone knows the strength of traditional medicine hes in numuring health, while the advantage of modern medicine is its spend 

Thomas was petting the weakness of traditional istuine again the strength of modern medicine

Could this really work

Don’t worry.Thomas saad slows his demeanor calm and unruffled, nor showing a hint of urgency 

Ha composure gradually andured Lawn what calm down as well. 

Ava’s gaze fackered Lori wash renowned for nothing Daring toilaim himself as the Medical Mystic, he was among the top doctors. This time she didn’t think Thomas vuld win even if he was the Medical Mystic 

This competition seemed like a sure win for Lårl 

With this thought, Ava cracked a slight smile Wouldn’t it be a shame for such a contest to have no audience? How about I invite a few journalists and broadcast the whole event live

Sure, Thomas sait, raining an eyebrow 

Ava squinted her eyes. Was Thomas overconfident

But this played right into her handi 

She continued. I believe the public would also like to see what’s happening. Why don’t we broadcast it live on television as well

Thomas glanced at her and agreed. Okay” 

Ava narrowed her eyes


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