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Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband novel Chapter 1314

Hannah excitedly babbled on the phone, "Nelly, the TV show I was supposed to do has hit a snag. The investors have pulled out and it’s not happening now, so my schedule's all cleared up."

Cornelia chuckled, "So why are you sounding so thrilled that your TV show fell through?"

Hannah replied, "Because now I can do yours first. My agent has already hashed things out with Foriver Entertainment. We’re gonna start shooting right after Christmas. You'll be on set too as the screenwriter. We'll be able to hang out every day."

Cornelia was buzzing about the upcoming script, "That's wicked. I'm looking forward to it too."

Hannah asked, "When are you due? I need to know if the timing's gonna work."

Cornelia answered, "March. But it's no biggie, I can still work."

Hannah worried, "It’s already December, and you're due in just over two months. Lugging around a baby bump on set is gonna be tough. Maybe I should tweak the schedule, we can shoot after the baby’s born."

Cornelia brushed it off, "Some people have it tougher and manage to work while pregnant. I can do it too. Plus, my baby's a dream, never gives me any trouble."

Hannah thought for a moment, "Alright, I'll get some extra hands to look after you then, make sure you're not overdoing it."

Cornelia laughed, "I don’t need babysitting. I can manage myself. I do need to pick your brain about something though, you got a minute?"

Hannah asked, "Sure, what's up?"

Cornelia said, "It's about the script."

Hannah, being an actress, knew a thing or two about scripts. She gave Cornelia some solid advice, which Cornelia gratefully took onboard.

After discussing the script, they chit-chatted about this and that. Then Hannah casually mentioned Marcus, "I haven't heard from Marcus in a while, wonder if the rumors are true."

Realizing she'd put her foot in it, Hannah wished she could take it back, "Nelly."


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