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In His World, I Belong novel Chapter 5

Allie’s mate didn’t pick us up. Instead, a guy name Greg shows up. She thought that her mate will pick us up but she gets mad when he didn’t.

“Allie, he might be busy. He’s the beta, he has a lot of responsibilities too.” I said, trying to console her.

“But he didn’t tell me that he will not pick us up. I’m his mate. He should priorities me too.” Allie says.

I look at Greg and see him staring at me. I look at him, apologizing about what Allie’s said.

“You need to be more understanding. When we become part of Wolf Fang, you will be the Beta Female. You will also have jobs to do.” I said.

“Oh shit! I forgot about that.”

“Ahmmmm. Excuse me?” Greg said uncomfortably.

“Yes?” I answered.

“Beta Kayden is busy processing both of your papers and where Wendy stay. Plus, Alpha Mark requested every warrior today for restructures of pack rules.” Greg explains.

“Thank you, Greg, for informing us.” I look at Allie who’s still looking outside the car. “See? He’s busy because of his duties and about our arrival. He convinces the Alpha for me to join his pack, that’s a huge favor. Be nice to your mate Allie.” I said.

She just ignores the information and stay quiet the ride. I wish Kayden, her mate good luck. He doesn’t know how stubborn her mate is.

Actually, I’m nervous. Those papers which Greg said, it’s about my history. I will need to fill up the information they needed to trace where I came from. I just hope Mark didn’t contact my previous pack. I don’t want them to know where I am now. I will talk to him privately about this. I hope he understand.

Allie and I both fall asleep inside the car. We both woke up when someone nudging us. I saw a guy smiling at me then look to Allie with love in his eyes. This must be Kayden.

Allie ignores him and walk out of the car. Kayden look at me with confusion.

“You must be Wendy, I’m Kayden. Allie’s mate.” He outreach his hand and I accept it.

“I am Wendy. Nice meeting you and thank you for helping me to come along with Allie.” I said.

“She wants you to stay beside her, I can’t say no to my mate. Plus, there’s no harm adding one more to this pack. By the way, why is she avoiding me like that?” He asks.

“Good luck with that Kayden.” That’s what I said.

He then moves and try to hug Allie but Allie pushes him.

“Hey baby, What’s wrong?” Kayden asks.

“What’s wrong your face. Why didn’t you tell me that you’re not going to pick us up?”

“Oh, about that…. I’m sorry, we have an emergency meeting this morning. Alpha told me to be there. It’s important.” Kayden explains.

“More important that me?”

“Allie, you must understand that I’m the beta here and after the ceremony, you will be the beta female and we will have responsibilities to the pack.” Kayden explains.

I understand him. I know how pack works. I saw and learn everything while living like hell in my previous pack.

“But I am your mate and you promise to----.”

“You might be his mate but he still has responsibility in this pack as the beta. If you want him to priorities you more than the welfare of this pack, I can remove him as the beta and be a warrior only.” A man with strong aura spoke behind me.

I recognize his voice.

I turn around and meet his beautiful gray eyes again. He looks shocks too when he sees me.

“Alpha, please don’t do that. Allie’s just upset that’s why she’s saying those things.” Kayden says. Not aware of how Mark and I stares each other. He looks away and look at Allie.

“Allie, right?” Alpha Mark says.




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