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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 5

"So what did you write on your tests today?"

"Practically my poor dad's name"

I answer to Gia who in return laughs out loud then is joined by Cora who just came back from her cheer practice after school. So to know more about us Cora is a cheerleader, Gia is a musician and damn her voice is so good and me one of the school leaders.

"I hope the moon goddess would make Mrs. Fridge blind and let me pass those two tests" they both look at me "did you seriously wrote your dad's name"

"Oh hell to the no, I closed my eyes and chose randomly" their expressions were priceless. "Okay, fine I did a little bit of study and it wasn't enough"

'no, you didn't, you should be thanking me' Alera rolled her eyes.

Gia squeeze my shoulders ``come on I'm sure you did great bitch" we laugh again. "I don't know why these girls are full on makeup when the only male in our campus is the bold old Mr. Gringe, and haven't even gone home yet" Gia groans pointing at our freshmen year students all doll up and huddle up into groups.

"Wait" Cora made me and Gia stopped in our steps.

"Lucky bitch" Gia hisses pointing at the far end of the school gate. "Mate" screams Alera, 'he's taken' I retort.

I saw him hovering over the same girl from the mall, last night and this morning. Jay and the boys from last night were all here too sitting on the benches under one of the trees while him and the girl are on the other side in an intimate position.

They weren't supposed to be on the school grounds but I guess being the Alpha's son gave him all the perks. Quickly I ignore them and focus on reaching the gate

"Gosh, I can't believe that junior bitch Quinn got Matteo"

"Ma?" I ask

"The future Alpha dear, the one with the green eyes. I don't know what's so nice about those little shit I mean look at us seniors we're not that bad"

Cora stops Gia from rambling "we got it dear, of course we weren't that bad were the hottest and you." She turned to me "aren't you supposed to go there and tell them off. They are not allowed in our school compound. You're one of the leaders in the school"

I fake a smile "you said so to yourself he's the Alpha's son," but seriously I'm trying to avoid him since he's my mate.

We continued to walk towards the gate, Gia pinch my arm "he's coming in our way" she smiles. I glanced and saw him striding to our way.

Feeling nervous and panicking, I lie to the girls that I forgot something on my desk and ask them to meet me at the back gate on the other side of the compound.

There are two gates to use; the one in the front which is mostly used by students and one at the other side. Yet, my poor friends didn't know I was getting away from someone.

Alera keeps cursing me for not running to her mate but who would openly run to him when there's another woman clinging to his side.

Rushing back into the school hallway I moved to open the rooms’ doors but none was open. I rushed to the second floor and began to fiddle with the handles. Unfortunately, again none was open. Not until I reach the music room and it's a relief to find it open.

I quickly skip over to the window, looking down at the ground. "I should thank the moon goddess for making me a wolf," I was about to jump down when someone spoke.

Chapter 5 Testing 1


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