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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 8

"You didn't save him from the rogues"

My mom just says out of nowhere while driving the car and it wasn't even a question.

We're heading back home, just the two of us as Cora has gone back with her brother but she'll be back by next week. I cough shifting around my seat uncomfortably

"Don’t even bother to lie," her voice raised in a warning tone.

"Yes mom, I didn't save him" defeatedly I say while sighing under my breath.

There was no point in lying when it comes to my mother. Trust me she has excellent detective skills. So if someone ever lies today and she found the truth tomorrow then don't bother to show your pretty face to her.

Believe it, you do not want to get on her bad side, my mom doesn't like people when they lie.

"You like him" she turned the car to the street we live on.

"No mom" I quickly denied it and did not want to sound suspicious.

"Then what's with you and him? I know she's never gonna let it go.

"Like I said back there, I met him when I went for a run," she taps her fingers on the steering wheel nodding her head. "Okay, but if truth comes out young lady you know I won't let you off that easily"

"Mom" I groan even more resting my head back. Great as long as she doesn't know now I'll be okay. I just need time to myself to think everything over.

My dad never came home that night again. It was just my mom and I bonding over dinner and when I asked her why dad is always needed by the pack. She just says it's because he's a top warrior but there's always a part of me that knows something doesn't seem to be adding up here.

When I woke up the next day I was filled with joy seeing my dad in the kitchen with my mom. They look so loveable I wish I could have that someday.

Thinking of it my mind goes back to the green eye douche which ruins my morning mood.

"Morning sweet pea" my dad came over and kissed me on the forehead taking my mind off of the unwanted feelings. I responded by hugging him tightly on the waist "morning papa."

"Awww your father is your favorite huh?" my mom dramatically fake hurt which my dad reached out and pulled her in to our hug.

"You two are my life" he mutters holding on to us as if this was our last time together.

Whenever we have moments like this I always never want to let go but stay there forever. We stay there like that for another minute before we have our breakfast and depart our ways with my dad dropping me off to school.

My day was boring with no Cora here and Gia is absent from school today. So it was basically just me hanging around by myself. When it was lunch time I went to the library.

The librarian was surprised to see me there for the first time in the history of my school life.

Usually I do not go to the library to study. I prefer under the trees with my friends or at a school secluded corner. Since my friends aren't here then the Library is the only place for me.

Looking around I saw Quinn and the other juniors flaunting around her. She looks happy and cheery and having a werewolf hearing I could hear that all they talk about is her Future Alpha boyfriend and his friends.

Alera wasn't doing okay with what we're hearing. My wolf is full of jealousy at the moment. Sighing heavily under my breath I stood up, grabbed my books and went out of there to find a tree to study.

Today was one of those days where you felt like you're drunk, that all you know the class is finished nothing else. All I kept doing was watching the clock to strike 3pm and for me to go home.

Right when I thought school was finished. My teacher announced that our history teacher says we have a class after school for our revision.

I wanted to scream or even better slide under the table and crawl my way out of this school. Yet it can never happen. So I call my dad to pick me up around 6pm.

"I hate that teacher" I told Alera "I thought she was your favorite' "not today."

I stood up moving to the desk at the window while other students cheerfully picked up their bags and went home.

There were few of us taking history subjects. Ms. Caluvar is our teacher and not part of our pack. She's from the Moonbridge Pack.

Our class was about to start when a loud music disturbs us. When Ms. Caluvar tried to explain how our werewolf world came to be. The laughter muffle her voice along with the increasing volume of the music.

"Adassah" she calls me out "would you please go and ask whoever is making that noise to lower it down or even better get out of our school compound."

I know why I'm being picked out. First off I am the only leader in the school who took history and second off, I can't say pissed off teacher ask another student.

Running in full speed from the stairs to where the noise was coming from. I stop a few meters regretting listening to Ms. Caluvar.

'Mission Abort, abort mission"

Chapter 8 Hectic Day 1

Chapter 8 Hectic Day 2

Chapter 8 Hectic Day 3


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